Land of Waves 5: Back in Konoha

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It's been a while since the battle started and Zabuza was slowly beating Kakashi. "You're not done yet, right Kakashi?" Zabuza smirked, hiding his exhaustion as best as he can.

Kakashi was going to reply to Zabuza's idiotic question when he heard a scream that made his bloodlust grow.

"Sasuke!" Mito cried as Sasuke fell on the floor lifelessly.

Hearing this, the Jonin sensei regained his energy for a split second and created a Chidori and plunged it into Zabuza's heart when a masked shinobi blocked it with himself.

The mask slipped off of the person's face. Kakashi's eyes widened. The man's mouth poured out blood and his eye's dulled.

"Haku?!" A surprised voice cried.

Flashback no Jutsu

Haku was on his way to collect some herbs for his sensei when he noticed a girl sleeping on the grass peacefully.

'Isn't that...?' He began to think where he'd recognised her when it dawned on him. 'She's from the team that attacked Zabuza-sama!'

He walked over to the unprotected girl and placed his hand on her.

"Where am I?" Mito asks tiredly while sitting up.

She looked around and saw a long haired person with black eyes looking at her.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Haku," he introduced with a smile.

"I'm Mito."

"Why were you sleeping here?"

"Oh! I was training and I guess I fell asleep." She answered sheepishly.

"Training? For what?"

"To become stronger! I need to be stronger to become the Hokage after all!"

"What's a Hokage?"

"The Hokage is the leader in my village!"

There was silence before Haku changed the subject. "Do you have anyone important to you?"

"Of course! There's Iruka-sensei and my team. My teammates are sometimes annoying though."

"They are? Why?"

"My sensei is always late, one of my teammates is an emo teme and, well, my other teammate is alright I guess. He's just very expressionless and hard to talk to." Mito vents. "Do you have anyone important to you?"

"I do. My sensei took me in and trained me."

The two smiled at each other. Haku got up and said, "Sorry, I need to go now."

"That's alright. It was nice talking to you!"

"It was nice talking to you too." He turned around and started walking back where he came from and on his way, he surprised Mito by saying, "Just so you know, I'm a guy."


Flashback no Jutsu, kai

Kakashi pulled his hand away from Haku's chest and watched as he slumped down on the ground.

Once Zabuza realised this, he raged at Kakashi and used more of his already drained chakra into adding more mist.

Kakashi hid his Sharingan with his headband to save his chakra and attacked.

While they fought, they were slowly draining each other's energy and before they knew it, they were about to collapse.

Only until then, Gato decided to show up. He walked on the bridge smugly while slowly clapping his hands. Then, he betrayed Zabuza by ordering his thugs to attack the already beaten up shinobis.

War cries were heard as they ran towards the shinobis. Naruto sprung into action and unsealed his sword which was used to slaughter them.

Though Zabuza was on the edge of collapsing, he couldn't let some brat take all the glory of killing Gato so he took out a kunai instead of his sword, which was too heavy for him to hold, and joined him in a massacre.

Kakashi decided not to join them since Zabuza was still a potential enemy so he instead made a couple Shadow Clones to intimidate the new enemies.

It worked along with the killing spree which lead to Gato begging for his life as the last man was killed in front of him.

"Spare me! Please!" He begged. "I'll give you anything! Money! Woman!"

Naruto, who was covered in blood of anything but his own, ignored him and raised his sword, aiming to kill.

Just before he swung it, he looked over at Kakashi, remembering his order of killing only with permission. Kakashi met his gaze and shook his head.

Without a second thought, Naruto sealed back his sword and stepped back to let Kakashi take command.

"Give Wave all their money back, including ownership to your shipping company. When you finished that, leave Wave and never return." He says fiercely.

"Yes! Of course!" He said, relieved.


"... WHAT?!" The old Hokage shouted unprofessionally as their most valuable rookie team finished their report.

"So you're telling me that this C-rank mission turned into an A-rank and you, Kakashi, decided to continue it?!" He said after calming down a bit.

"Yes," he slouched.

"You could've at least sent a message so I could send backup." He glared.

"Yes, yes, but I'm sure we could deal with an A-rank."

Hiruzen sighed and sent them out. He was too tired to deal with this and decided to give Kakashi his punishment at another time.

Meanwhile, Kalashi dismissed his team who left in a hurry which made him question his lessons on teamwork being wasted when he noticed that he forgot to ask his blond Genin something.

The blond Genin left in a body-flicker and was heading to Root's base when his white-haired sensei stopped him in his tracks.

"Naruto," Kakashi said cheerfully.

In response, Naruto tilted his head and he continued. "Do you want to get ramen with me?"

"Sorry, I have to go somewhere right now."

"You mean the Root base?"

Naruto took a fighting stance and secretly took out a kunai when Kakashi reassured, "Hokage-sama told me of your position when you became Genin, don't worry."

Seeing that Naruto didn't move nor put his kunai away, Kakashi said, "You'll be gone for an hour or so, it won't be that bad."

Naruto put his weapon back and walked to Kakashi still warily as a 'yes' and they headed to Irichiraku's.


Danzo sat on his chair, patiently waiting for Naruto's already late report on his most recent mission.

More minutes past and the Hokage's rival was getting more and more impatient.

"Monkey." He called to the hidden shinobi.

"Danzo-sama." He flashed into a kneeling position in front of him.

"Find Kitsune and report what he's doing."


Monkey left as soon as he was dismissed and left the secret base in seconds. The leaped from rooftop to rooftop without a single sound and quickly found his target walking with the Copy Cat Ninja.

He saw the two walk into a ramen stand called Irichiraku which had a welcoming and carefree aura surrounding it and he watched as they, who was just Kakashi, ordered.

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