Chunin Exams 1: Close Call

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Naruto and his team were walking together after what felt like ages.

It had been a month since they took any missions since Kakashi wanted to train them for the Chunin Exams. He trained Mito and Sasuke while Naruto was no where to be found.

His teammates kept asking where he was but Kakashi also had no idea. He tried to visit the Root Anbu base to find him but he was denied entry every time.

Naruto, Sasuke and Mito turned their last corner to the Shinobi Academy when they saw a foreign shinobi holding the Hokage's grandson, Konohamaru, by the neck.

"You should apologise for bumping into me, brat," the shinobi with face-paintings said.

"We'll get in trouble with Gaara." Said his teammate.

"Konohamaru!" Mito shouts, seeming to know the boy personally. "Let him go!"

"Who are you?"

"Uzumaki Mito! The future Hokage!"

He scoffed, tightening his grip on Konohamaru who's eyes went wide.

"You do know he's the Hokage's grandson, right?" Sasuke said. "If you kill him, you could start another war."

"Like I care!"

"Kankuro." A rough voice said from the tree above which made everyone present shiver.

"G-Gaara..." Kankura nervously stutters.

"You're embarrassing us. Let him go."

"Okay!" He blurted out before dropping the kid on the ground who ran to Mito and clutched her dress.

Gaara stared them down, creating an awkward but tense atmosphere until he asks, "What's your name?"

"Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto said in the same tone as Gaara. "What's yours?"

"Sabaku no Gaara."

They stared at each other with their colourless eyes with Naruto feeling Gaara's overgrowing hatred for him.

"Let's go." Gaara signals to his team who followed obediently.


Sasuke and Mito felt nostalgic as they walked down the Shinobi Academy's hallways to room 301, where they were told to go.

As they walked, they noticed a crowd surrounded two Genins.

"Let us in!" Someone from the crowd shouts.

More complaints could be heard as they tried to push through the two.

"There's no way you can past this test. We're just saving you time, so leave!" One Genin who was blocking the entrance said over the loud screams.

"Isn't this the room 201?" Sasuke asks to his teammates."

"Yes, it is." Naruto confirms.

"Its probably a Genjutsu." Says Mito.

They were about to turn away from the large group and quietly go upstairs when a loud voice, louder than any person there, shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Hey, you!"  He points to the blond in Team Seven. "You're the rookie of the year, right?"

Naruto nods while Sasuke grunts jealousy. The boy who successfully grabbed his and everyone else's attention continued, "I'm Rock Lee!"

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