Chunin Exams 7: Shukaku's Attack

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"Begin!" He says as he sighs a breath of relief.

Gaara lifted his arm and sand immediately shot out at Sasuke who jumped back and created a Fireball Jutsu. It went against the sand as it made a barrier to protect Gaara.

He raised his hand again while glaring, he mumbled, "Sand Coffin."

His sand wrapped around Sasuke and covered his whole body starting from the ground. As he closed his hand, the sand started to get smaller, squeezing the Uchiha to death.

Everyone thought it was over and some of his academy classmates started to scream and shout his name when a loud, high pitch chirp came from the coffin. To everyone's surprise, the sand cracked and eventually broke, showing a bleeding, but alive Sasuke.

Gaara, who's eyes also went wide, snapped and a fast-pacing blob of sand ran strait to his opponent. Sasuke also ran to it but when it was about to collide with him, he swiftly turned to the side, successfully dodging it, and ran to Gaara. His sand covered him, making a ball with spikes coming out of it.

Sasuke didn't stop, though, and he instead created a bright ball in his hand with electricity coming out of it and shouted, "Chidori!"

His powerful Jutsu went against Gaara's sand, leaving the audience leaning on the edge of their seats.

They watched carefully, wondering who would win when suddenly, the sand started to crack. It spread and eventually, it broke a hole in it. Sasuke's Chidori went straight in, not hesitating in the slightest and hit Gaara.

His eyes widened as it turned yellow and his pupils into slits. The jinchuriki's blood dripped onto his palm for the first time in his life and he screamed.

"Blood! It's my blood!"

His sand already retreated into the ground when an unusually large smile appeared on his face as he looked crazily at Sasuke.

Sand started to wrap around his arm and created a large sand-claw. A screached and feathers started falling from the sky, making the civilians and some Genins fall asleep.

With the Ichibi now in control, he enhanced Gaara's speed and strength to claw his way out of the arena and run away.


Sound of kunai scraping against each other and jutsus being thrown at one another were heard all over the arena and stands.

Kitsune left his hiding spot under the stairs and was running towards Danzo when he saw Sasuke and Mito following Gaara.

'What are they doing?!' He stopped running, knowing his teammates would be in danger.

He contemplated on wether to follow orders or help his teammates for what felt like an eternity when the Root agent, Duck, jumped down behind him.

"Kitsune, what are you doing?" He asked.

"...nothing." He responded blankly as he turned and jumped away.

Duck looked at where Kitsune was just standing and thought, 'Kitsune was supposed to go to Danzo-Sama's direction, so why is he going there?'

He signed to his team who was hiding around the area and body-flickered to Danzo's direction.


Naruto headed to the forest, quickly jumping from tree to tree to his teammates direction.

"What am I doing...?" He muttered as he followed his teammates trails.

He was halfway there when he suddenly sensed three Anbu's presence. One was right above him, another was a few meters behind and the other was a few meters in front.

Kitsune unsheathed his sword from his back and waited for them to make a move.

It didn't take long as all three of the Anbu's raced towards him. He jumped away when the Anbu from above leaped down, slashing his sword on where his shoulders would've been. They didn't let the blond have time to think as the moment he landed on the ground, the other two Anbu's were there, ready to attack.

Ropes firmly tied themselves around Naruto's ankles. He reached to his weapon pouch for a kunai when a sword from behind stabbed Naruto's hip.

Naruto coughed out blood as he fell on his knees.

"Danzo-sama sent us." The leader of the squad said in a monotone. "Surrender now, Kitsune."

His vision started to get blurry and all he could hear were muffled voices. The last thing the Uzumaki saw before he went unconscious was the thee Anbu's jumping back.


Naruto woke up in a dirty sewer with water dripping up to his ankles.

He took out his sword and held it in front of him and started walking. Unsure of where to go, he turned left and right whenever he felt was right and eventually ended up in front of a giant cage that reached to the ceiling.

A giant red eye with slits for pupils opened from the cage, glaring at him.

"Who are you?" Naruto said cautiously.

The eye inside the cage stepped forward, letting his jailer see him fully. He let out a deep chuckle and said, "I'm the Kyuubi, but already knew that, right, brat?"

While glaring at him, he asked, "Where am I?"

"In your mind-scape, why?" He said, not affected by the Anbu's glare.

"Let me out." He said, not answering the fox's question.

He let out a deep chuckle and said, "Come closer."

With suspicion, Naruto hesitantly went closer to the cage.

When he was right in front of it, a massive claw came from inside the cage and tried to slash him but luckily, he jumped back just in time to avoid the Bijou's claws.

He stumbled back, landing on his back. He started feeling dizzy and his vision was getting darker ever second when eventually, he went unconscious.


Just as he fell on the ground, a sudden burst of red chakra with bloodlust radiating off of it surrounded the limping body, making the leader jump back in surprise.

He pulled the sword out and the stab-wound began healing itself in a rapid pace. Red chakra then surrounded itself around Kitsune's body, also making long, fox-like ears and a large tail.

The jinchuriki roared and attacked the three Anbu in front of him.

Somewhere else in the village, a white-haired Sanin felt a strong wave of bloodlust, just like the one he felt thirteen years ago, during the Kyuubi's attack. He immediately ran towards the killer-intent and hoped it wasn't who he think it was.

When he found the source of all the bloodlust and distress, he saw an Anbu around the height of a young teenager with orange, bubbly chakra surrounding him.

His eyes widened and asked himself, "Is that...?"

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