Chapter Six

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I literally couldn't choose what pronouns to use for myself,, and then decided to go with the one I'm least comfy with for some reason lmfao

N/n = nickname


Your pov

My friend came over to my place. It might be late as hell, but it's due in a day and we both know we won't have the motivation tomorrow.

(Not me self-inserting lmfao)

I heard our 'signature' knock on my door, three knocks, hold, one knock. That's how we knew it was each other, we both had things to hide you know.

I open my door to see Tet. My current bestie from science class.

"No, I don't care if you hate that class or the fact that I just called myself your bestie<3"

"Tet who the hell are you talking to?"

"No one, now let me in Y/n!"

I let her in, this 5'2 gremlin with short messy brown hair. She had tanned skin and visible eye bags. She had a few freckles on one side of her face, she never knew why but guessed it was because of her genes. She had a monster addiction and rarely got sleep even though she was tired 24/7. Maybe 5 hours max, if she slept more than that she wouldn't wake up for a solid 15 hours, talking from experience.

"By the way Y/n, I saw someone in your hoodie leaving from the fire escape. Do you know them?"

I froze. Fucking hell, she had to see that too?

"Yeah, a close friend. Or crush. I don't know."

"Wait wait— spill the tea dude! Don't leave me out of this, have you told April?"

"No not yet, why?"

"I'm inviting her over, or at least I will if I have your permission. If you're going to tell me about this mess, she should know too."

"Alright T, just do your thing and call her over. I'll be sitting in the kitchen while waiting."

I sighed, I wasn't sure if I should tell them about my friend/crush/it's complicated. Or at least Tet, would she accept the fact that I have a crush on a talking turtle?

April was here within a few minutes, and now all of us are settled on the kitchen table with our books and soon-to-be project.

April coughed, "Since we're staying over, mind telling me about your friend?" She smirked.

"Yeah, I want to know too! I want to know what they.. they... Ughh whatever I forgot the word."

Oh yeah, I forgot, Tet is Turkish. Tet isn't even her name, her name was Dream in Turkish. There are two words, don't try to translate it. Some kids at her last school were making fun of her, comparing her to the youtuber Dream. So her preferred name is Tet or T.

"Right, right whatever. April is pretty much like their sister. April, that should give you a huge advantage."

"Wha- Y/n!! I want an ad.. advantage too! Even though I'm not competitive..." She slumped, looking over to the side.

"Chill Tet, they just mean that I know their crush. And you saw them wearing Y/n's hoodie. We have the same ground for now."

I groaned, "April, it's Othello von Ryan. Yeah yeah, I know, the perfect person."

Tet looked at me with a weird face.

"Who the fuck goes through 9 months of suffering, the world's worst pain, and then names their child that? Yikes."

"Tet what the hell—"

April cut me off, "Chill girlie that's not his real name. It's more of a code name to use in front of strangers, strangers being you."

Tet nodded, "Acceptable."

I continued, "He just makes me feel all funny you know. And my heart skips a beat, my face heats up, and such."

April sighed, "Well Y/n, I have a diagnosis. You, my dear, actually have a crush on Othello von Ryan. Congrats."

Tet laughed, almost falling off her chair.

"But do you think he likes me back?"

Tet looked at me, trying to calm herself down.

"Hun, he was wearing your hoodie. What do you think?"

"I mean he also asked for some clothes, and I gave like two to him. I'm pretty sure he has them right now."

"Wait, Y/n. He asked for your clothes?" April chimes in.

"Yeah, why?"

"He never wears clothes, unless he's trying to come over."

Tet looked at April, "What? Is he some mutant or something, like the ones we've been seeing over the news?"

She seemed to hit a point, hard. April and I looked over at her and questioned her.

Tet looked surprised, in a good way.

"Oh my goodness, he is, isn't he?"

"Yeah, Y/n has a crush on a mutant. And he's a turtle."

Tet looked over to April now, "Oh shit, that's sick! I had a class pet once, it was a turtle."

I looked over at her, "How?"

April looked over to me, "Idiot, she's Turkish. They might've allowed a turtle to be a class pet."

Tet grinned smugly, "Yes April, that's correct. We had 2, I loved petting them."

I looked over to my phone, no texts. But it was 1 am.

"April, Tet, come on we have a project to do. T, lend me one of your monsters I know you have like 7 with you."

"Oh N/n, you know me so well!" She chuckled.

A few hours later, we were done and it was now 4:27 am.

I went ahead and grabbed a bunch of blankets, having promised Tet to bring her to their place at some point. I'd have to ask for permission first, but I bet Mikey would convince them.

Grabbing a bunch of pillows too, I head over to the living room where they were yawing.

I handed a bunch to both April and T, saying good night and heading to my room to crash in my bed.

Pretty sure I heard Tet crack open a monster, but I ignored it.

Looking over to the drawing I had pinned on my corkboard. It was Mikey's drawing of me, and the glitter on my jacket was slightly glowing. The thought of him doing that for me made me smile.

I get in bed, looking out the window.

I saw a small purple light, atop a roof. It reminded me of Donatello. I liked him, he is a great dude. I actually can't believe I'd be the one to have a crush on him.

I fall asleep quickly, hoping my alarm wouldn't ring soon.


Did I really self-insert? Yes.
Do I care? No.
I'm your in-fic bestie now deal with it *rolls eyes in a loving platonic way*

(1129 words total)

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