Chapter Seventeen

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TW: murder, mentions of blood, character death

Btw the contact names change for everyone's pov, like Mikey being NishinoyaKinnie in Tet's pov but being something else in yours.

Don's pov

I was hanging out with Mikey back in the lair, they hadn't mentioned anything so far. He was showing me his art.

I ended up asking him for Tet's number, and him being clueless he gave it to me.

Oh how naive he was, it was beautiful.

Huh? What? Why'd I done that?

I ended up texting Tet to ask them to meet up somewhere.

They said they couldn't because of Y/n, and asked what if they were to sneak out as Y/n was sleeping.

They were hesitant but agreed. We'll meet up in the sewers later in the night.

I head back to my lab, looking for something sharp...

Why am I like this?

I continue looking around, and end up finding one of my old attachments to my staff. It was a spear-like tip attachment.

I grab the sharp metal, putting it somewhere I'd usually pass by to grab it before I leave.

I go to my bed and pass out, waiting for the time to come.

pancakesssssss: Yo Mikey I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to not come by today

NishinoyaKinnie: okay that's fine. Why?

pancakesssssss: something came up plus I fell asleep,, woke up like 7 minutes ago to Y/n hugging me.

NishinoyaKinnie: alr thanks for tellin, ill go tell the others

pancakesssssss: thanks, man. love ya/p

NishinoyaKinnie: what does /p mean?

pancakesssssss: oh i forogr that you don't kneo- ir means platonic.

NishinoyaKinnie: ooh alright. love ya too /p <3 (^-^)

pancakesssssss: SO CUTE ISTG— anyways later!!<3


(Still in Don's pov)

I woke up a few minutes before we were supposed to meet. I put on my battle shell and grabbed the sharp object, making sure the coast was clear before running out of the lair swiftly.

I arrive at our meet-up spot, three blocks away from the lair, so they wouldn't hear anything going down.

Wait what?

I heard footsteps, turning around to see no other than Tet themselves.

"Yoo purple turtle! Why'd you want to meet up?" She said.

"Well, I kind of have a question. You know how you're afraid of bugs? If I were to tell you to treat them the way you wanted to be treated, what would you say?" I said.

She looked at me confused, "You literally could've asked this over text but whatever. I'd say killed without hesitation." They spat out.

"Why?" They asked.

I revealed the sharp object in my hand, I watched as her face washed over with fear.

"O-oh... I see." They stuttered as they started backing up.

"Aren't you going to run? As fast as your short little legs can take you?" I spat out with venom in my voice as I walked closer to them.

She backed up, against a wall behind her.

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