Chapter Eighteen

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TW: Violence, blood, and major character death

3rd person pov

What the fuck? The man you thought you loved, he was the reason your best friend was dead?

"No." You stood your ground, backing up as he walked towards you.

"You wouldn't?" He laughed maniacally, eyes wide, staring directly at your soul.

"Well, then, if you can't love me, no one will be able to love you either." He grinned.

"What?" You were sacred. Very scared.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Y/n, if I can't have you, no one can god damn it." He growled, now with anger.

What had happened to the submissive boy with the praise kink? Where has he been when you needed him the most?

You were about to run for your phone, but he blocked your way with his spider arms.

"I didn't want to use these babies on someone as fragile as you, but if you dare struggle I think I might have to." He smiled at you, love in his eyes but anger was written all over his face.

"What the fuck, Donatello?" You hissed with venom in your voice, he was taken aback.

"Where is the sweet guy I knew? What in the living hell happened to him?!" You yelled.

"YOU! You are the reason he's gone, don't you dare try to figure it out while you're the reason!" He hissed back.

"What? What'd I do to you? Huh?!"

"You being yourself was enough damn it! You made it so I was fucking addicted to you! I picked up drugs in order to feel normal! I rolled and smoked blunts just to smoke a fucking joint!" He yelled, stabbing your side just as he did with Tet.

Before he could pull it out, you kicked his crotch, his weapon still in your side. You ran, picking up your phone, and slipping it into your hoodie pocket.

He was enraged. He ran over to you, and you pulled out his weapon from your side and stabbed him in the eye.

He hissed trying to grab your hand, and you stabbed it deeper, twisting the weapon.

Pulled it out, as he crouched down slightly, you used his weakness against him. His soft shell.

You stabbed it multiple times, he hissed. Falling to his side.

"You little bitch. I loved you." He hissed.

"I loved you too, but I feel so fucking used damn it!" You yelled at him.

He cockily smiled.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He said while a small blood pool formed under him, his smile turning into scowling real fast.

"One day I'm going to kill you, makes sure you suffer for eternity." He tried to crawl away, he was so very weak.

You couldn't leave him alive, what if he were to kill you as you weren't looking?

You stepped on his head and kicked him in his side before turning him over. He spat out blood.

You stabbed his throat repeatedly as you cried, leaving the poor turtle out to bleed as he died.

You didn't know what you were doing, but it was self-defense. Your now ex-crush had tried to kill you, after killing a boss and your best friend.

You picked up your phone from your pocket, dialing Leo's number.

He picked up the phone to you sobbing your eyes out, all you could mutter was "My place, right now."

He and the others seemed to take the hint, as they said they were on their way. You put pressure on your side, trying to not pass out from blood loss.

You had successfully plugged the wound on your side with a piece of cloth, slowing down the blood that was pouring out.

Don... he was dead. In your living room. You didn't know what to do or say, you were just waiting for the guys to arrive.

And they did, jumping through your open window, seeing you covered in blood as you were sobbing.

"Y/n! You're here! Where's Don...nie..." Leo stopped yelling as he saw Donatello, dead.

"I'm sorry Leo, I... He... he tried to kill me and... and. He said he killed Tet, and I, he, she, I'm sorry." You blurt out as you cry, forgetting you were bleeding and letting go of the cloth as you decided to cover your face with your somewhat bloody hands.

Raph was rummaging through your kitchen drawers as he recalled you had a first aid kit somewhere. Leo was trying to calm you down to examine your wound. Mikey was shocked.

He didn't dare move a muscle. He just watched as Leo attended to your wound with the first aid kit Raph had found.

Donnie... killed Tet? And he tried to kill you, too?

Such a fucked up brother he had.

You stopped sobbing, Leo had fully attended to your would as the other two were silent.

Mikey spoke up... "Can you properly explain what went down?"

"Mike.. give them some time they're probably still processing what happened." Raph scolded him.

"I... I can try" You said.

Their attention was on you, all of you sitting on the floor near Don's dead body. You had left his weapon in his throat.

"He came in.. asking me if I still loved him. We were more than friends- I... I answered positively, but then he admitted to.. to.." you choked back tears, Raph was rubbing your back.

"He asked if I would still love him after he said... he said he killed Tet." You took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Then, he got all violent. He said th.. that he was going to kill me. That no one.. should- be able to love me if- if he wasn't able to." You took a break, still trying to process things.

Hiccups echo through the room.

You try to calm yourself down.

"He stabbed me in the side, and and... here we are. I just tried to live. I wasn't sure what I was doing... I just wanted to live. And here I am, alive, scared." You said, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

Raph was still rubbing your back, now you were sitting in comfortable silence with the guys.

"I think... Can I just move in with you guys? Just leave everything of me behind, cease to exist in the human world?" You asked out of fear.

They all looked at each other before nodding, Raph helped you up, the brothers leaving the room before you.

Mikey on the verge of tears started speaking. "I... I think we should go home before figuring everything out."

Leo agreed. "I... don't want to be here right now."

You looked over to Raph, he was silently nodding as he was holding himself back.

The brothers get out of your place via the window.

You looked over at Donatello's dead body for the last time before leaving.

"I am not proud of you, I am disgusted by you. I don't want your soul to rest, in fact, I wish for it to suffer eternally. Science boy." You whispered in disgust before tagging along with the others to start a new life.

You sighed, taking a deep breath as you stepped outside from your window, hopefully, from now on they'll learn to accept and forgive you.



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You drive me crazy || Obsessed!Donnie x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora