chapter 36- did you leave the coven?

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Sarah p.o.v.

We all walked out the meeting. I could see Hunter was upset about the plan being that I go to my coven and try and get some of my moms stuff but it's the only way.

I wont lie I am nervous about it as well but I will do it. This is for my mom and my father. No matter what it takes i will get then justice and i will make sure that the coven get what they deserve. I never really thought about going to council to be honest and I think it's the best we do.

"Sarah?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around at hearing my grandmothers voice.

"I forgot to ask you but did you ever officially leave the coven?" She asked.

I look ar her confused.

"Officially leave? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well in order to leave the coven properly you have to reject the coven bond. Did you do that?" She asked.

" I never new we had to do that, so I guess no I never." I said with a frown.

I noticed how everyone had stopped to listen to our conversation.

She smiled at me.

"This makes it easier. If you do get caught you can always say you never actually left the bond. Therefore you can not actually get done for being there." My grandmother said making me nod.

"Won't they find t suspicious that she just turned back up though?" Hunter asked.

I frowned actually agreeing with him.

"Not if you inform them you are coming back." My grandpa said.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked with a frown clearly not liking where this is going.

My grandpa sighed.

"Anywhere private we can all talk again?" Grandpa asked.

We all headed back to the alphas office.

"You can inform them you are on your way back. Tell them you were grieving your mother. Make some kind of excuse as to where you left and tell them you needed space. However say you are still a little upset and would like to head home now. Find whatever it is you can find and as soon as you can you leave the coven but thus time you need to reject the coven." My grandma said.

I nodded my head in understanding.

"I guess it's better then you sneaking on the land and getting caught. However I still don't like you going there." Hunter said.

I smiled softly at him.

"I will be alright my love. I lived there my whole life. I know the in and out of that place. I know how they all work." I said softly.

Hunter sighed but nodded, kissing my forhead.
"Alright." He said.

After we all agreed on this we all once again left the office. As we walked back upstairs and into our bedroom Hunter pulled me into his arms.

"I really don't like this baby but I know you can do it. I believe in you and I know you sre strong. Promise me the minute you feel something is wrong you will get out of there." He said snuggling into me and taking in my scent.

"I promise my love." I said kissing his cheek.

He nodded his head and sighed.

"How about we spend some time together tonight. We will snuggle and watch some movies together before I have to leave tomorrow." I said softly.

He sighed and nodded his head.

We got ready for bed even though it was only 7 at night and climbed into bed together. We soaked in each other comfort and watched a lot of movies together.

However most the time all I could think about was how tomorrow is going to turn out. Will the coven believe me? I wont lie I am scared and I am worried it will fail. However I am determined to do this. It's the only way.

I will go inside the house and instantly start looking through all my mom stuff. I can hear my mom in the back of my head telling me to never look through her stuff with out her permission. She would always say that when I was younger. However I know she will want me to do this.

I will let my mom and father rest in peace. That I know I will. Even if it ends up in us having to go to war. However at the same time I don't want people to get hurt. Therefore if that was to happen I would do it alone. Hopefully it does not have to come to that but I also learnt that not everything goes to plan.

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