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Riddhima pov:
No no manik can't be in mafia he is simple  man and I know about him everything how he will be ? Kabir must be lying but why? For what? how he know about manik? Why he should lie to me? He won't get any benefits too? Is manik also fooled me? I should asked Kabir for proof? Let me call him. I'm just a fool not even think to ask proof

Kab: hlo
Ri: I'm riddhima

Kab; haan hello riddhima why are you calling me at this time? Is everything ok? Did you reach home safely ?

Ri: you you said about ma ma manik right?

Ka: riddhima let's talk about that afterwards where are you first

Ri: just say the ans damn it?whatever you said it's lie right?

Ka: yeah i said let's talk about that later riddhima where are you?

Ri: is he really belong to mafia?

Ka: riddhima he is your past don't think about him?

Ri(shouts) : is he belongs to mafia?

Ka: yes riddhima

Riddhima kept silent

Ka: he is your past riddhima and you really have good life just stop thinking about him

Ri: did  he  loves me because I'm belongs to a rich mafia family?

Ka: yes riddhima

Ri: no but he didn't behave to me like that he died because of me but no it can't be true do you have any proof?

Kab: just see your whatsApp riddhima

Kabir send a video to riddhima. In that video manik selling drugs and small girls to a man

Ka: riddhima listen this video is true

Ri: how you get this video

Ka: riddhima I was in mafia too riddhima but not now

Ri: now a days mafia become very fashion that's why everyone used to say that I belong to mafia such a shame!

Riddhima cuts the call

Riddhima sat there itself and started to think about her memories with manik .

Ri: even he too betrays me.

Ri: you know what God from last one month I'm finding true colors of my family love and also about my father. For a child especially for a girl child her father is a Superman like that my father too a super man but he is only superman for me but for others he just a devil who is ready to kill anyone. Why they are not thinking about thier enemy child God? What will they do after their parents died?

Who will take care of them? Why the hell they are not thinking about that? They are just thinking about their family and money. Yeah every father used to think about their family but they won't do anything wrong to others but here everything is different.

My father just wants to kill others who is not obeying them. Manik he is (smiled sadly) not even worth to my love but he too betray me just for money. His every words his every action every thing is just a fake like him. I don't even wants to talk about him. Vansh!

Riddhima enter inside the house and saw vansh is approaching her.

Van: where you went? Isn't half an hour is enough for you to purchase? What makes you to take 5 hours?

Ri: are you a mafia?

Vansh didn't said anything just kept watching riddhima deeply .

Ri: you know what vansh i don't have any money and my father business to going in loss as per I know so don't think I'll get you money.
I mean if you love me for my money sorry I don't have any money for you vansh

Vansh pushed riddhima and she lose her balance as a result her body touched the ground.

Van(angrily ) : riddhima if you can't love me back  at least keep your mouth shut .

Vansh went from there to his room and riddhima just followed him

Vansh about to close the door before that riddhima kept her hand

Riddhima entered inside his room

Ri: is manik belongs to mafia?

Vansh who didn't even wants to see her face turned towards her after hearing the question

Van: who said that to you?

He asked coming close to her i

Ri: ans my question vansh?

Vansh can easily find that riddhima know the truth and yeah she have rights to know the truth too

Van: yes

Rid: he loves me because my father belongs to mafia right?

Vansh kept silent and turned knowing if he say then riddhima will break

Ri: ans me vansh why vansh why? Everyone using me for their benefits why? Don't I deserve love? Don't I get a person who loves me?

Vansh just went towards the table which is near his bed and took the glass from the table filled the glass with water for riddhima

Ri: vansh you also love me for some benefits right?say it today itself vansh then only I won't become weak.

That's it who is tolerating till now just throws the water glass near riddhima which brokes into million piece but to the shock riddhima didn't get any scar

Va: riddhima get out before I do anything to you

Ri: what will you do vansh? I know your love also fake like manik love

Van: riddhima just get lost

Ri: I won't vansh i won't just say for what reason you acting like loving me?

Va: I love you from my childhood idiot

Ri: then why you shouting at me instead of proving it

Vansh turned towards riddhima and said

Van: before 5 minutes you just insulting my love towards you and now all of sudden you asking me prove it. I can't understand you riddhima

Riddhima smiled sadly

Ri: even I too can't understand you vansh

Riddhima continued

Ri: you saying that you loving me from childhood but you used to angry at me,you don't even spend time with me as you do with aryan and ishani.even  You don't talk with me too and not considering me as your family but all of sudden you saying that you love me

Vansh who is lost in his thought don't know what to say

He dragged riddhima with her and stand in front the God pics.

Va: I don't believe in God but you used to believe it and I'm promising you that i loved you and I'm and I will till my death and this love don't have any benefits or proof riddhima.

He said all these words placing his hands over riddhima head.

Riddhima just see him with teary eyes

And he holds riddhima hand and started to move all these while riddhima's eyes over him only

Ri(in mind) :I don't know why my heart saying me trust him blindly and aalso wants to love him but somewhere I have fear that he will too leave me or betrays me just like my father and manik did.

Vansh told riddhima to take rest and came from her room.

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