Destiny of The Lovers

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“I don’t want to hear anything more. I’ve made up my decision, and I won’t change it,” decide Jasmine. Hizaki and Masashi are looking at each other. They know it’s useless to change Jasmine’s decision. He has made up his mind. He will stay while let the others go on continuing their journey.

“But, we can’t leave you behind, Jasmine-san. Do you think we have the heart to do so?” ask Hizaki. Jasmine is looking at Kamijo who stills at his hug sofa.

“There no one else who could stay,” 

“You can’t leave Teru either Hizaki. You need Yuki at your side, and Masashi will help you taking care all of them,” said Jasmine to Kamijo. 

“If that so, then we all go together. No one will leave anybody,” said Hizaki. 

“We can’t do that, you know we can’t,”

“You also know that I have to stay, only me,” Hizaki stills. 

“Teru-kun will be so sad,” mumble Hizaki. Jasmine is smiling. 

“He’s going to be fine. He has you to look after him. He also has Kamijo-san who wills always looking after him, an all of you,” Jasmine turns his look to Kamijo who hasn’t said anything since Jasmine told them his decision for not going together. 

“It will be my honor to do this, to deliver you in your new journey,” Jasmine bows elegantly to Kamijo. Hizaki still hope Kamijo will say something that can make Jasmine change his mind. But, Kamijo keep stills and doesn’t say a word. Hizaki sits back and whispering. 

“It shouldn’t have been this way, it shouldn’t,” Jasmine slightly smiles to him, then to Masashi who replied with a deep nod, and to Kamijo who’s looking at him with a sad look. Jasmine hates to make that silver eyes looking sad, he always want to see sparkling of joy inside those eyes. He’s sad that he’s the one who made it cry instead.

He’s also thinking of Teru, his little sweetness. Teru will be so sad and upset if he found out what happen. They’ve been meeting for a short time, and now they have to be separated again, this time it might be forever. Jasmine understands how sorrow Teru will be. But he believes the other will make him calm. He also believes that this is the best solutions for them. Though deep inside, Jasmine really want them to be always together. 

At the day of the departure, as everyone guess, Teru still has the rejection look on his face. It took all night for Yuki and Hizaki convincing him that it’s Jasmine’s decision and there’s anything they can do to change it. Even with Jasmine’s explanations, Teru still can’t accept the decision of leaving Jasmine behind. 

“I can’t accept this, I won’t. Why you can’t just go with us?” ask Teru. Yuki and Hizaki blow a sigh. They really understand Teru’s feeling. He’s not the only one who wants Jasmine to come with them. Jasmine move closer to Teru and caress his cheek. 

“You have to understand that this is something that can be only done by me. In every meeting there will always be a separation. And we’re doing it,” said Jasmine. 

“But, everywhere you go, everywhere I am, I will always have you in my heart and mind. You will always feel my soul close to you, forever,” Teru becomes still. Jasmine’s voice has become gentler than he used to be. The other is also realizing it. 

“Until the day we all can be together again, I’m asking you to be a strong boy. I know you can do that, right?” Teru wipes his almost come out tears and quickly nod. 

“Yes, I can do that. I will do that,” Jasmine can’t hold himself. He takes Teru to his arms and hugs him tightly. 

“I love you, Jasmine-san. I love you so much. I will be missing you,” cried Teru. 

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