Chapter 22

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian

"Spells in Ancient Egyptian"


By lunchtime, word had gotten out in the Slytherin that some sixth-year had said mudblood and that not even ten minutes later he had gone missing. Most didn't care as he was not well-liked around Slytherin. By dinner, the rest of the school was aware that a Slytherin student was MIA. Once again most didn't care as it was a Slytherin that was missing, only the teachers seemed worried. Snape keep giving my group looks and he acted as if he knew something.

"Anyone else notice that Jr is missing from the red table?" someone asked

"Yeah, I heard he has detention with Mr. Smile." a Slytherin said

"Any idea what he did to get that detention?" Draco asked


Dinner was coming to an end, and my group got up and headed toward our common room. I stopped walking when I heard a weird voice.

~Come...come to me...~

"Amara are..." Marcus started

"Quite," I said

~Blood...I smell blood...~

Tom is that you?

No, but for some reason, it sounds familiar. -Tom said

Why does it sound weird?

Can the others hear it? -Tom asked

I turned to look at them but they just looked at me worried.


Then it is most likely parseltongue. - Tom said

So either another person is speaking it or a snake is.

Correct. However, I would say that it is most likely a snake of some sort. -Tom said


I start to walk again and stop when the voice starts again.

~Blood...I smell blood...~

I start walking again towards where the voice was coming from. The voice starts to get louder.

~Let me rip you...let me kill you...~

I continue to walk further down a hallway. I can hear voices further down the hallway.

"Is that Jr, Carrot Top, and Granger?" Theo asked

"I think so. Let's listen." Marcus said

"James!" Squirrel yelled

"What," Jr said

"What are you doing? You were supposed to be at dinner but you never showed up," she asked

"It is none of your business where I am. But for your information, I was with Professor Lockhart." Jr said

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you are here and not on your way to the Great Hall for dinner," Granger said

I stopped listening to them when the voice started again.

~Kill...Time to kill...~

I start walking again towards the voice I can hear footsteps in front of me as well as behind me.

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