Chapter Twenty-Three

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian

"Spells in Ancient Egyptian"



The party in the common room lasted for quite a long time. I had bowed out of the party after the first hour and was now laying on my bed with Adom. Adom had taken his necklace off so now he looked like Imhotep.

"You know it is dangerous for you to have that off. Someone could walk in at any moment." I said

"No one would dare enter without your permission." Imhotep said

I went to say something but felt a shift in the air. I flicked my hand towards the door and heard it lock.

"Speak." I said

The sand moved and a soldier.

"After the incident on the field. I followed like always. They went into the room with lots of beds, and a short chubby lady came running over. The chubby lady kept yelling about how stupid someone must be to vanish bone. The woman made him drink something and he made a weird face, then started making the noise one does when in pain." the soldier reported

"Did anyone else say anything?" I asked

"No, however a woman with fire hair cried a lot. Other than that nothing else was said or done." the soldier said

"Thank you. You may return to watching." I said

The soldier nods his head and leaves. I continue to just look at the spot where the soldier once was.

"What has you thinking so hard?" Imhotep asked

"One would think they would want something to happen to the guy that made bones vanish from their son." I said

"Maybe they are just horrible people." Imhotep said

"You know what, I don't want to waste any more time talking or thinking about them." I said

"Okay." Imhotep said


A few days had passed since the Quidditch incident. My sand soldiers were keeping an eye on the annoying trio. My group was currently sitting in the common room, once again talking about the chamber.

"So I was looking back through the school archives. It would seem that this is the second time the chamber has been opened." Marcus said

"How long ago?" Theo asked

"1942-1943" Marcus said

"So about 50 years ago." Cassius said

We were all quiet for a moment.

"So how come it is just now reopening?" Draco asked

"He has a point, if the person who opened it 50 years ago was at the minimum a first year, they would have had a child long before now. I would guess they would have a grandchild." Adrian said

We were all quiet after that statement.

"What are you thinking about Amara?" Neville asked

"I don't think the heir is the one who opened it this time around." I said

"Why?" Adam asked

"Because it doesn't make sense that there is such a large gap of time. Plus a true heir wouldn't broadcast to the entire school that they were here. It goes back to the point I made the other day in Transfiguration. A true Slytherin wouldn't let their intentions known." I said

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