Chapter 16

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian



Just a reminder that when Imhotep/Adom is at the O'Connell house he will be called Imhotep, not Adom.

I woke up the next morning, rolled out of bed, and headed into the bathroom to change before heading to breakfast. When I got down to the common room Adom, Marcus, and Theo were waiting for me.

"You guys didn't have to wait." I said

"Yes, we did." Theo said

We made our way to the Great Hall. We sat down at the table and noticed halfway through breakfast we noticed that Jr wasn't eating.

"Seems someone is nervous about his first Quidditch game." I said

"One would think that someone who claims they grew up on a broom wouldn't be so nervous." Theo said

We could hear them talking from our seats.

"Take a bit of toast, mate, go on." Carrot top said

"He's right, James. You're gonna need your strength today." Hermione said

I look at Adom.

"When did they get on good terms?" I asked

"No clue." Adom said

"I'm not hungry." Jr said

Professor Snape walks up behind them.

"Good luck today, Potter. A little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin." Snape said

I notice the Snape steps away limping.

"Guess that explains the blood," Jr said

"Blood?" Carrot Top asked

"Listen, last night. I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." Jr said

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Carrot Top asked

"The day we went to Gringotts Hagrid was there. He took something out of one of the vaults. When Dad asked him about it he said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret." Jr said

"So you're saying..." Hermione trailed off

"That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants." Jr said

"Did you three hear that?" I asked

"Kind of. But you would think that they wouldn't talk so loud." Marcus said

"Either way they think that Snape is the one after it. We also learned that whatever is being protected was previously at Gringotts." I said

An owl screeches. Everyone in the hall looks up. We see an owl carrying a very large, long parcel. The owl drops it on the table and flies off.

"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" someone asked

"Let's open it." Carrot Top said

Carrot Top and Jr open the package.

"It's a broomstick." Hermione said

"That's not just any broomstick." Carrot Top said

"It's a Nimbus 2000!" Jr said

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