Chapter 10

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian



We headed home. Once we got home I took my trunk upstairs. I made it big again. I took the robes out. I left mine on the bed and took the other robes to the rooms that they belonged to. When I came back into my room. Imhotep was sitting on my bed.

"Why do you have to be so creepy?" I asked

"I don't know what you mean," Imhotep said

I rolled my eyes at him. I turned around the grab something and when I was turned back around he was standing in front of me. I stepped back and he reached up and grabbed my chin.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Imhotep said

"Okay," I said

He let go of my chin and moved back over to my bed. I turned around and headed into my bathroom. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up. The day was over so I didn't need to keep it down now.

Who does that guy think he is to touch you. -Tom

It's fine Tom.

It confused me that Tom sounded angry. I walked out of my bathroom, to see that Imhotep was still sitting on my bed.

"We need to think of a different name for you. We also need to figure out what you are going to do while I'm off at school." I said

"What's wrong with my name? And can't I just come with you to school?" Imhotep asked

"Your name is too weird, and no you can't come with me. I can't just bring a person with me." I said

You could always turn him into an animal. -Tom

I don't know how to do that.

"Fine," Imhotep said

There was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Charles are butler.

"Dinner is ready," he said

"Thanks," I said

I looked back at Imhotep who was directly behind me. We headed down to the dining room.

"Sorry, that took all day," I said

"It's okay. We had fun and I got some new books. We also fully adopted you." Mom said

We started to eat dinner.

"I think that while we are in public that Imhotep should have a different name," Dad said

"I was thinking the same thing," I said

"But names nowadays are so normal," Imhotep said

"What?" Jonathan asked

"He said that names nowadays are normal." Mom said

"Then don't pick a normal name. Just pick a name that isn't as old as the pyramids." Dad said

Imhotep nods. Once we finish eating. I headed upstairs and grabbed Mom's books. I came back down with them and handed them to Mom. We headed into the library. I sat down and looked out the window.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked

"Nothing," I said

"You can tell me." Mom said

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