Chapter 14

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian


First Day of School...

I woke up the next morning and, I had no idea what time it was.

Tom, any ideas.

Tempus. It is a spell that will show the time. All you have to do is hold out your wand and say Tempus. -Tom

Thank you.

I rolled over and picked up my wand from the table. I replayed Tom's instructions in my head. I held the wand out in front of me.

"Tempus," I said

In a green puff of smoke, the time appeared. 6:30. I let out a small huff but I got up and moved over to my trunk to grab some clothes then head to the shower. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and head down to the common room. I walk into the room to see Imhotep waiting for me.

"Do I even want to know how you knew I was awake?" I asked

"No, you don't." He said

I was about to ask him something but Draco and Theo walked into the common room.

"You two are up early," Draco said

"Yeah guess it must be the nerves," I said

"There is nothing to be nervous about. The hardest teacher in the school is our head of house. The next hardest is McGonagall but if what I heard is correct as long as we don't disrespect her that class should go by fine." Theo said

"What class does she teach?" Adom asked

"Transfiguration," Draco said

I nod my head. A few moments pass and, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle enter the common room.

"You guys want to head down to breakfast?" Theo asked

"Sure," I said

We left the dorms and headed to the Great Hall. We walked into the Great Hall and found a seat at the table. The food wasn't on the tables yet. I looked around the room I noticed that the teacher in the purple head wrapping was looking over at us. I turned and looked at Draco who was sitting on my right.

"Do you happen to know who the Professor is with the purple head wrapping?" I asked

Draco turned and looked up at the head table.

"That is Professor Quirrell. He was the Muggle Studies Teacher now he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher." Draco said

I nod my head.

Any idea why he keeps looking at me. I mean I haven't even done anything... yet?

No, but he feels familiar to me, and I don't know why. Just watch your back with him. Also, see if Imhotep can get a read on him. -Tom

"Why did you want to know?" Draco asked

"He just keeps looking over here," I said

"She's right. I noticed it last night as well. He is either looking over here or at James Potter." Theo said

The hall started to fill in, and soon there was food on the table.


As we were finished eating Professor Snape started to hand out our time tables. As soon as we all got out time tables back we passed them around to see what classes we had together. I noticed that we had a lot of classes with the Gryffindor's.

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