Chapter Twenty - Four

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Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian

"Spells in Ancient Egyptian"



"Demon Twins?" I asked

"Yup." Luna said

"Well okay then. I want to make sure people know that Luna has our protection. So I want two of you to help her back to her common room. Adrian, I hope you will start looking into a way for us to communicate with the two that are not in our house." I said

"Of course." Adrian said

I stood up.

"If I am right about the Headmaster, we must be even more cautious." I said

They all stand up as well and nod their heads. I turn and leave the common room, I can hear footsteps behind me. I walk into my room and flop on my bed, and hear the door shut and lock.

"Are you alright?" Adom asked

"No, my head is killing me. He keeps trying to get back in, but I won't let him." I said

"You still haven't talked to him since the day you shut him out?" Adom asked

"No, this is the longest I've gone without him since I first heard him." I said

"I am so going to regret saying this. Let him back in Amara. As much as I don't like that fact that his in your head always, you need him. He has been there for you, plus it will give me some peace knowing that he is there to protect you if I can't." Adom said

I tilt my head and look at him.

"What do you mean, he can't protect me he is just a voice in my head." I said

He moved fast and was looming over me and my chin was in his hand and he was looking down at me.

"Don't play stupid it is unbecoming of a person of your status and brain." Adom said

I moved my eyes away from him.

"Look at me when I talk to you." Adom said

I look back at him.

"We both know he is more than just a voice." Adom said

He leaned down and kissed my forehead before turning and leaving the room, I let out a breath. I got up and changed and then sat back down on the bed. I let out a deep breath, then laid back on the bed, and closed my eyes. I then let the wall that blocked Tom fall. I felt his presence immediately. Neither one of us said anything, neither one of us wanted to be the first to talk.


My group was walking around the courtyard when we saw Jr, Carrot Top, and the Squirrel. Most of my group was leaving for Christmas break. Adom, Draco, Theo, and I were the only ones from my group staying. Jr was getting looks of hate and fear directed his way. The irritating trio were soon joined by Carrot Top's two older brothers.

One twin soon starts to yell.

"Make way for the Heir of Slytherin! Seriously evil wizards coming through!" the one twin yelled

Carrot Top grins, amused, however Jr. not so much.

"Oh, c'mon, James. Fred's just having a laugh." Carrot Top said

"He's the only one." Jr. said

"Okay, so half the school thinks you're nipping off the Chamber of Secrets every night. Who cares?" Carrot Top asked

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