Chapter 2

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Before On Miscalculation...

"Scared," I said

"Why?" Ric asked

"Because once we leave. I'll have to go back to my relatives... it's late I'm going to go to sleep." I said

I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes.


The next day we were back down in that chamber. Jonathan and Ric lean the sarcophagus against the wall. Evelyn walks up behind them.

"Oh, I've dreamed about this since I was a little girl," Evelyn said

I'm standing a little bit behind Evelyn.

"You dream about dead guys?" Ric asked

"Look, the scared spells have been chiseled off. This man must have been condemned not only in this life but in the next." Evelyn said

Johnathan opens the thing from yesterday and puts it in the spot on the sarcophagus.

"Tough break," Ric said

"Yeah, I'm all tears," Jonathan said

Jonathan turns the object almost like how one turns a safe wheel.

"Now, let's see who's inside, shall we?" Jonathan asked

Once he's done. Evelyn steps back and Ric and Jonathan pull the lid off the sarcophagus. Once the lid is off the mummy that is inside pops out like a picture in a pop-up book. We all yell I grab onto Evelyn's leg and hid my face behind her leg.

"Oh, my God, I hate it when these things do that," Evelyn said

"Them popping like that is normal?" I asked

"Sadly," Evelyn said

"Is he supposed to look like that?" Ric asked

"No, I've never seen a mummy look like this before. He's still...still..." Evelyn said

"Juicy." Ric, Evelyn, and Jonathan said

"Yes. He must be more than 3,000 years old, and, well, it looks as if he's still decomposing." Evelyn said

I look down at the lid of the sarcophagus to see scratch marks. I pull on Evelyn's pants leg. She turns and looks down at me.

"Look," I said

I point down the lid of the sarcophagus. We all move over so we are looking down at the lid.

"What do you make of this?" Ric asked

"My God, these marks were made with..." Evelyn started

"Fingernails," I said

"This man was buried alive. He left a message. 'Death is only the beginning?'" Evelyn said

Once Evelyn is done talking a breeze blew and it sounded like a person talking. We all look at the mummy, whose face looks like it was frozen in a scream. Ric and Jonathan left the room I stayed down there with Evelyn she was looking at something at the bottom of the sarcophagus. She finds these weird bugs, she picks them up and carries them back to the surface I follow behind her. We walk past the Egyptologists trying to open a black book. Evelyn stops walking, the man stops trying to open it and looks up at us. Eve and I both notice the same lock thing that was on the sarcophagus is also on the book.

"I believe you need a key to open that book," Evelyn said

We then head towards where we were camping. We see Beni sitting next to Ric. One of the Americans walks past our campsite.

The MiscalculationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora