Marking Ceremony

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Farrah's POV

Today was my twin sister and my 16 birthday. Pretty big deal right? Our Sweet Sixteen? Well that not only thing that today is. No! Today just so happens to be the Marking Ceremony.

For those of you who don't know what that is it when a female werewolves turn 16, she, along with others, are put into a room why other males werewolves walk around picking their mates.

You could get stuck with the sweetest mate, or I've heard stories about mates who are abusive and cruel.

That's what I'm afraid of, I don't want my sister Fay, my bestfriend Blaire, or me to get an abusive mate. Hell I don't even want my number one enemy, Sasha, to get an abusive mate. Even know I hate her, no one deserves that kind of torture.

But anyway, here I am, a new 16 year old female werewolf, getting ready for the Marking Ceremony.

My mother has curled my long light caramel color hair. My older sister, Jacey did my makeup to make my dark blue eyes pop. I was wearing a cream colored dress with white lace, that hugged all my bodies curves. I wore nude colored high heels.

To say I was nervous was an understatment. I was fucking terrified. Not just for myself but for my sister and friends.

"You almost ready shortie?" My older brother, Stefan, asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answer,

He smiled at me and took my hand and walked me downstairs.

Than I saw Fay. She look exactly like me, except she cut her hair shorter. It was still a caramel color but instead of falling to her mid back like mine, it fell just above her shoulders. Her hair was straighten, and she had her makeup done. just like I have, except to match her hazel color eyes. She wore a black dress, that had a hint of blue sparkle and hugged her curves. She had black high heels on.

"Ready sis? We told Blaire we would meet up with her remember?" Fay said

"Yeah, I remember."

"Alright girls, come back after alright, oh you are so beautiful." My father smiled

"Those are two lucky boys." Stefan said

"Don't be nervous it will all work out" Jacey said.

"And remember you father, Stefan and I will beat those boys if they harm a single hair on either of your heads." My sisters mate, Micha said.

"Alright, now go or you will be late finding my sister I know she doesn't want to go alone." Said Stefan's mate, Mia, just walking in the front door. She was Blaire's older sister.

"Alright, love you guys." I say

"Bye sweethearts." My mom yells.

Fay and I walk up to the check in desk. We walk by all the male werewolves, and most whistle at my sister and I.

Once we are all checked in I spot Blaire.

She looked so beautiful. Her long deep red hair falls down her back in waves. She had a blue dress on, and nude high heels. Blaire had exact color eyes as I did.

"Come one Fay, Blaire's over here." I say pulling my sister arm.

"Blaire" I yell

"Oh thank god, I thought I was going to have to run in alone." She said

"We wouldn't do that to you." Fay said

"Good" she said

"Now remember the plan, we don't leave each others side until.... Well until we are forced apart." I tell them. They know exactly what I am talking about.

We stand around a while longer, once the last girl is checked in, they start the count down.


This is how it work. Us girls run into a huge building and we go to different locations.


We stay put, or walk around until a male that wishes to claim us does.


He claims you by marking you, than well you can only imagine what happens next.


Once the marking and claiming is completed, your new mate will take you out of the building and show everyone that you are now his.


And that's why my sister, bestfriend, and I kicked off our heels and now are running, full sprint into a beautiful huge building. And we are not coming out until we are claimed, willingly or not.

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