Chapter 15

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Farrah's POV

We got back to my parents house after looking at a total of 15 houses, none that really caught my eye. Holden didn't like any of them either, said they really didn't feel like home. So we will go look again tomorrow. Hopefully we will find a house soon I hate staying at my parents, I feel like now with Holden I do nothing but eat their food and over stay my welcome. And plus Grant wouldn't be at our new house. Total deal breaker.

We walked into the house and saw Xavier and Shay, my parents, Stefan and Mia, Jacey and Luka, who had a shot gun in his hand, and Grant, Blaire and Micha.

"What's everyone doing here?" I ask

"Have you seen Fey?" Jacey ask

"No? Not since this morning. Why?"

"She was coming to speak to you, I don't know how I beat her here." Jacey said

Ok? What's going on.

"What going on?" Holden ask grabbing my waist.

"Farrah, have you known Grant before the Marking Ceremony?" My father ask

Oh shit....


"Farrah honey, no one mad at YOU, we are proud that you did the right thing and broke up with him before the ceremony but..." My mother was cut off

"But you disgraced this family by having a boyfriend who wasn't your mate! And now your sister is paying for it!" My father shouted

I knew his wolf was taking over but it still hurt.

"How did you guys know?" I began to ask crying, I couldn't even look at Holden who let go of my waist.

Than Fey walked in and answered my question for them.

"I overheard Grant talking about how he only picked me because I look like you!" Fey stormed up to me.

"Fey I....." I began crying Harding

"I told you! I told you it was a bad idea to get into a relationship with a guy before the ceremony! And now I'm stuck with him because I'm your twin sister!" She shouted

"Fey I'm so sorry, I didn't know this would happen." I pleaded

"Fey babe, it not her fault, and I do want you..." Grant began but was cut off

"Shut up! Don't you dare speak to one of my sister you fucker!" Stefan yelled

Luka just loaded his gun. Oh god!

"I didn't know this would happen, it was only for a few weeks and we just hung out mostly, I didn't want this to happen Fey I'm so so so sorry!" I apologized crying harder if that was possible.

"I hate you" she whispered crying.

"What... Fey please"

"I hate you! I hate you Farrah!" She yelled and stormed out of the house.

I stood there stunned. I was sobbing. I lean back againist the wall an slide down crying into my knees.

"Son you need to get out of my house right now till this is solved." My father told Grant.

"Yes sir." And he left along with Xavier and Shay who gave a apologetic smiles.

I looked up at my father.

"Daddy, I'm so so sorry." I cried

He looked at me and walked out of the room after telling Jacey to find and take Fey back to her house.

"It's ok sweety." She told me

"I still love you chick." Luka kissed my forehead

"I'll try and talk to him" my mother said

"You can come to my house if you want chick." Stefan told me.

And Blaire just sat their hugging me, till her and Micha had to leave.

Then it was just Holden and me.

I couldn't even look at him.

"Did you sleep with him." He barely whispered.

I just shook my head and cried harder.

"Did you have SEX with him!" He shouted

"No!" I yelled and cried.

"Why couldn't you just wait for me!" He yelled

"I did, we hardly did any thing other than make out, we mostly just hung out." I told him

"He kissed you!"

"Yes! Yes he fucking kissed me! Let me ask you! Was I your first kiss! Was I your first?" I yelled standing up.

He just looked at me, he knew I already knew the answer. I wasn't his first anything, and he can sit here after I just lost my sister and yell at me for innocently kissing someone! Oh hell no!

"That's what I thought" I said and run to my room.

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