Chapter 17

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Farrah POV

Nothing was alright the next morning. It now has been 3 weeks since the fight with Fey. I havnt heard from her at all. All I know is what I hear from Jacey, that her and Grant are starting to get along. And are thinking of buying a house.

Stefan refuses to talk with Fey anymore. He furious that she would pick a cheating mate over her own family. She said it was the bond but you can be pulled out of the bond if you really want. So the only one who talks to Fey now is my dad, mom, And Jacey.

Shay is off moved in with Xavier, Blair and Micha are off looking for a house most days I rarely see them. Mia is just as furious with Fey for making her mate upset. So right now our family is choosing sides. I fixed everything with my parents. My father apologized the next morning, he said his wolf didn't like seeing its pups fight. I forgave him right away.

Now Holden and I are moving into our new house. It's nothing huge but enough for us and our 3 pups we want to have eventually.

"Alright princess I think that's the last box to unpack." Holden sighs and falls onto our new white sofa.

"Is my big bad wolf tired." I tease him

"No!" He growled playfully.

"So you have so energy than?" I ask straddling his lap.

"Depends what for." He grabbed my hips pulling me tighter to him.

"I have some ideas on how to break in our new bedroom." I whispered.

"So do I" he growled and ran into our new bedroom.

Fey's POV

It's been 3 weeks since I've talked to anyone but Jacey, Luka, my parents and Grant.

Stefan is mad that I picked my cheating mate over my family. Well did it forget that my family has a cheating sister in it?

When I told him that he growled protectively over Farrah. Said that she isn't the one who picked a mate when he was in love with another.

Yeah ok I got his point, but I'm still angry. I mean she could have told me. I mean we tell each other everything, or at least I thought we did.

"Babe, you ready to go see the house?" Grants ask


Grant and I have really hit it off. He apologized for everything. He said that when I walked into the room and over heard Xavier and his conversation I didn't hear the entire thing. He said he liked me, alot. That yes he liked my appearance because of Farrah but he like me for my personality to. Over the least few weeks we have become like normal mates. Like nothing as happen.

He doesn't mention Farrah. I really like that, Jacey talked enough about her as it is.

Walking into the one story house. It's small but good for a pup or two. Grant and I don't want a lot of pups.

"I think it's perfect, a good size, just enough space." I say

"I agree, we will take it." He smiled and kiss my temple.

Over the next two week we were officially moved in. Jacey and my parents came to visit. But that's all. Stefan and Mia refuse to come, cause they know we will just argue, Luka is off at a business meeting, and Blair and Micha are at Farrah's place.

I was happy with my life, I had a mate that loves me, finally....! I have my parents and my sister. But as happy as I was I knew I would be even happier if my entire family was here.

But am I ready to see my sister again?

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