Chapter 16

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Holden's POV

I'm an idiot. I know I had no right to be mad at her. Just the thought of her with some other guy, I just cant wrap my head around it. Not my Farrah, not my baby girl.

I need to go fix this. I walked up to her room. Before I open the door I heard her crying, it broke my heart. Knowing that I only caused her pain even more, I felt so guilty.

"Baby" I spoke softly walking toward her. She was curled into a ball on her bed.

"Go away." She cried

"I'm not going anywhere princess, I'm sorry that I yelled I had not right to, especially after what just happened with Fey." I apologized

"Can you please forgive me baby?" I ask

She turned to look at me, seeing her tear streak face killed me.

"Please hold me." She whispered

I lay on the bed and held her tightly to me, her tears soaking my t shirt. She was curled into my arms crying into my chest.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl, shh it's okay." I soothed.

"She hates me, she told me she hates me, I don't blame her either, she stuck with a mate that doesn't appreciate her because of me." She cried

"No princess, you couldn't have known that would happen, it's not your fault it his. He had no right to take that chance away just cause he was jealous." I reasoned

"But still, she stuck with him and she is never going to forgive me"

"Baby, she not mad at you, she just needs someone to blame and your the easiest to right now, the bond is new its almost impossible for her to be mad at him."

"I guess your right but it still is my fault."

"Shh baby, just get some sleep everything will be better in the morning."

She didn't fall asleep right away, I felt her silently cry for about ten more minutes. All this time I just rubbed up and down her back. This always made her relax and fall asleep.

Soon I heard her breathing even and her shaking stop. She was asleep. I didn't fall asleep for a few hours, I just stared at her for a while she was so beautiful. The other hour I spent trying to figure out how I was going to fix this for her. Than the last hour was spent with me thinking of ways to kill that motherfucker.

My first option was Lukas shot gun, the guy had the right idea.

My second option was beating my fist into the guy smug face a billion times.

And my third and finally option was to get Luka, Stefan, Micha, and we will all take turns beating the shit out of the fucker.

I didn't get the chance to decide which one I wanted to do before sleep caught up to me and I fell asleep with my precious princess in my arms.

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