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A week later, I'd been on a date with Arthur Brown. Otto Bagman had asked me out the following morning. I'd said yes and sat in the common room with Sirius filling him in. He stared at me blankly. I could tell he wanted to murder both boys, but instead, he sat and stared at me silently.

"Right," He eventually said "So, Brown's out?"


"But you said yes to Bagman?"

"I didn't say I'd marry Arthur." I explained. My date with him was nice, although a bit boring. The conversation kept running dry and we'd sit in uncomfortable silence.

"So you're going out with him again?"

"Tonight actually. We're studying."

"When did you grow up?" Sirius joked as he caught up with the information. I laughed.

"This summer apparently." He shook his head with a grin.


I met Arthur in the library a few hours later. We sat at a table towards the back so we didn't disturb people as we talked. He helped me with Potions work as I kept catching him sneak glances down my shirt. Eventually, I closed the book softly and sighed.

"I think that's enough for tonight, it's getting late." I offer the lame excuse. He nodded and sat next to me. His hand rested on my thigh. I shifted uncomfortably.

"You know Potter, no one would think twice if we came back together." I laughed awkwardly.

"Well of course not. We're in the same house." I replied as I packed my books up. His hand crept higher on my thigh.

"You know that's not what I meant." I bit the inside of my lip. Before I could respond he crashed his lips onto mine. I abruptly pushed him off and stood up. He looked up at me annoyed.

"What? You only kiss your brother's friends?" He spat, standing up in front of me. I took a deep breath.

"I only kiss people who show basic fucking respect." I retorted grabbing my bag. He grabbed my arm and closed the gap between us. He towered over me. I turned my head to avoid eye contact with him. He kissed my neck as I tried to push him off, he had a strong grip on my wrist though.

"Arthur. Get off!" I spoke a little too loudly for the library.

"It's easier if you just comply." He whispered.

"Seriously, get off." I said as I finally got a good shove at him. I backed up into someone and turned to face them. I half expected it to be one of my friends, but I came face to chest with Regulus Black.

"She said fuck off Brown." He said as he stepped in front of me. Arthur laughed.

"Didn't know you were her guard dog now too."

"I'm not."

"Then fuck off Black." He took a step toward me, Regulus pulled his wand.

"I won't think twice about hexing you if you step closer." Arthur backed away defeated. Regulus didn't lower his wand until he was out of the library. He turned and looked at me. "You're still here?"

"Uh, thank you." It sounded more like a question as it left my mouth. He nodded before looking over me at the door.

"Your guard dog is here." He replied stalely and walked away. James walked up and looked between a walking away Regulus and me.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, he just bumped into me on my way out." I replied, still a bit shaken by the whole interaction.

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