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I sat in the tower with Regulus after telling him everything was off. I didn't tell him why, I just told him we had to call it. His head was in my lap while I rested against the wall reading my book. He flicked his wand to make little sparks while we sat their in silence.

"Darling?" He asked quietly. I looked down at him from my book.


"Are you upset about your prank?" I shook my head. Sure, it sucked that the first big prank I planned wasn't going to work out for us this year but we had time to learn to do it alone.

"Not really, no."

"Then why are you upset?"

"I'm not?"

"Nova." I took a deep breath.

"I guess I just finally felt like we were getting to a place where we could tell James, Sirius, Remus and Pete, but I don't know. I want them to not want to kill you before I actually tell them y'know."

"Ah, the curse of the guard dogs." I offered a slight laugh.

"I just don't like lying to them but I do like you alive."

"What if we just keep up this charade a bit longer, we both figure some stuff out regarding those..." He trailed off, looking for the right word. "Whose opinions we care about then we tell everyone, the whole wizarding world, I'll shout it from rooftops if you'd like."

"I do like just having you to myself."

"I will always be all yours my darling."


"Vix?!" Two angry brothers yelled as they slammed through my door. I looked up.

"What can I do for you today?" I asked sweetly. Sirius raised his eyebrow.

"Where have you been all day?" James demanded. I stared at him harshly.

"Telling everyone the prank is off. We involved a load of people you know? I didn't see any of you lot running around to the Slytherin house with Dorcas to explain the whole thing." I replied, Sirius rubbed his forehead.

"She forgot." James whispered to him, Sirius shook his head.

"Vix, it's a full moon." Shit. I jumped to my feet.

"How long do we have?"

"Less than an hour." James said as he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the dorm. He threw the cloak over the three of us while we made our way to the shack. When we slid in Remus was sat in the corner with his knees to his chest. I ran over and sat by him.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, he shrugged.

"Nothing I'm not used to." He replied. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hopeful this time?" I asked, he shrugged.

"I've been hopeful every time. It's never worked." He replied. I looked at my hands and shrugged. He'd been brewing a potion to help him, but it hadn't been working. He always blamed himself. Sirius sat on the other side of him, Peter with him, James sat with me. He put his leg on Moony's leg with a smile.

"I have a good feeling about this one." He said. I nodded. Moony smiled.

"Well isn't that just the James Potter guarantee I needed. I'll make sure to label it with that when I package and sell it."

"Anti-wolf, now backed with the James Potter guarantee." Pete joked in a newscaster voice. We all laughed. I leaned back into Moony's side. He took a deep breath.

"Now, Vix, Pete. I need you to remember to stay back tonight. Promise me?" Moony asked. I looked at Pete.

"Promise." We muttered together.

"Even if you think they're hurt?" Peter murmured a yes dad while I stayed quiet. "Nova?"

"I make no promises, and hey you haven't hurt me yet." I told him. He looked at me in a fatherly sort of way.

"Nova, they can find their way to you. They have every time."

"We'll be fine Vix." Sirius chimed in. I looked at James.

"Hey, I haven't lost you yet." He told me as he grabbed my shoulder. "I've been trying since we were three. You learned how to ride a broom, remember?" I laughed, he finally cracked a smile.


Hours later a rat sized version of Peter slept in the corner while I sat on the windowsill. I pulled the blanket tighter around me as I heard the werewolves howl. I watched the shadows in hopes of a glimpse of James or Sirius. I knew Moony would be fine, but ever since the boys decided it was safer to let him roam while they were in form I worried about them. I felt a scurry up my shoulder and turned to look at Pete. I smiled at him. He nuzzled into my neck and laid there, watching the shadows with me. I leaned my head against the window frame and let myself drift off to sleep.

As the sun rose I blinked to get used to the light. I heard faint snores and breathing behind me. I moved Peter off my shoulder and set him gently on the window frame. Sirius was curled up, still in dog form while James stood staring at the door. I coughed.

"Why didn't you change last night?" He asked as he faced me, I shrugged. "Come on, Nova."

"I couldn't." I replied. He stared at me, his eyes softened as he walked closer to me.

"That's alright. We'll keep working on it yeah? Soon it will be like nothing to you." He knew I didn't like admitting I couldn't do something. I knew he struggled with this too, though.

"Where's Moony?" I asked.

"He's up in bed. Brought him back here last night but couldn't let him see you. I waited the moon out with him and took him up to bed this morning." I nodded.

"Let's get everyone off to bed, yeah?" I offered, he nodded.

"Yeah." I woke up Sirius while James picked up Pete and carried him inside. I waited for Sirius to shift back before leaving. He wrapped an arm around me as I pulled out our cigarettes.

"Still struggling?" He asked as I puffed the cigarette. I nodded. He sighed.

"We'll figure it out Vix."

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