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Sirius came with me to Hogsmead after we'd ate breakfast. We bobbed in and out of shops, picking up cute things we thought the others would enjoy. Finally, we sat down in Honeydukes with bags of silly little items and grinning like idiots. He looked around.

"Really thought we would've run into Reg by now." I nodded along looking around as well. I spotted the ghastly looking boy hunched over in the corner, wearing all black with a beanie pulled over his hair. He wore glasses for the first time. Sirius spotted him too. I could tell he wanted to jump up and rush to him, but he just gripped the table in anger.

"I'll be right back." I responded as I made my way to Regulus. I sat across from him, he hardly looked up at me.

"I know this is a long shot, but," He took a deep breath as he winced "your mum, she's a healer right? Did she teach you anything?"

"She's taught me everything. What happened to you?"

"Oh, you know. Parents." He tried to joke. I offered a sad smile.

"I'm going to send Sirius for supplies, I can't do anything where everyone can see us. Can you walk?"

"How'dya think I got here?" He groaned as he tried sitting up, I rushed to my feet to steady him as he stood up. I walked him over to Sirius.

"What happened?" Sirius asked as he shifted Regulus' weight to him.

"Not important. I need you to get me some things, and give me the cloak. I'm taking him to the ally back there." I whispered, he nodded as i listed things off and we walked Regulus to the ally behind Honeydukes. I gave Sirius my wallet and crouched down beside Regulus as he ran off.

"Thank you." He whispered, I kissed his head.

"Don't thank me until I fix you, I could kill you." I tried to joke, he cracked a smile.

"I don't think I'd mind it."

"Regulus, why don't you come back with me and Sirius once this is all done? My parents will keep you safe." He shook his head.

"Your brother would sooner have my head."

"I can handle my brother."

"I can handle my parents."

"Darling, you shouldn't have to." He bit the corner of his lip at that. I knew I hit a nerve.

"Please, just help me this once and I'll never worry you about it again."

"I'm always going to worry about it, I'd rather you told me."

"Nova. I'll be fine, I'll live. They can't kill the only heir." I felt the tears rush my eyes. I couldn't believe that was the only thing keeping him alive. The only reason his parents didn't discard him was to keep their fucking bloodline. Not love, not admiration, not even because he was family. Blood supremacy.


That evening I sulked behind the boys as we made our way to the train. I knew mum noticed but she didn't want to say anything, so she walked off center, between me and the boys. Dad had his arm slug around James' shoulders while carrying my trunk.

Sirius and I spent hours aiding Regulus in the ally behind Honeydukes, but Sirius didn't say a word the whole time. He walked away and paced quite a bit. He was silent the whole way home while we smoked. I knew he was hurting for his brother, but I didn't say anything. I was quite like my mum in that way. I didn't press issues, I let people come to me with them.

When we got to the station I immediately saw Regulus, talking to a house elf, beside Andromeda. Andromeda smiled at me softly, I smiled back. Narcissa and Bellatrix walked up beside them and Andromeda looked away from me. I lingered there for a moment before turning my attention back to my own family. Mum was hugging the boys while dad was giving them a talk about being safe. Mum pulled me into a tight hug.

"Whoever has got you down, is not worth your time my darling girl." She whispered. I nodded and squeezed her tighter. We pulled away and she grabbed my shoulders before kissing my cheek. I smiled as dad pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be too hard on the boys, let up, have some fun this semester." He told me. I laughed.

"Nova!!" I heard Lily's voice ring. I pulled back from dad to see her running to me. Marlene on her tail and a third girl walking behind Marlene. Before I could process who she was Lily pulled me in to a massive hug. I hugged her tight.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Potter." Lily cheered as she let go of me.

"Lily, dear, we've told you. Effie and Monty is alright." Mum told her with a giggle as she hugged her. I caught James watching their interaction while Pete talked to him. Marlene poked Peter's side as she walked up, he turned and hugged her.

"Meadows. Dorcas Meadows." The girl introduced herself to the guys. Marlene walked over to me with Dorcas right behind her.

"Potter!" Marlene cheered as she hugged me quick. "This is Dorcas." She introduced us. I smiled at the girl. She was quite pretty. Just a smidge taller than Marlene. Her long dark hair in box braids with strands of green braided in, the left side of her nose pierced with a gold hoop and a dainty gold chain hanging around her neck that she fiddled with as Marlene spoke.

"It's nice to meet you." I told her. She smiled.

"Likewise." I smiled at Marlene before I turned to Sirius, who had dismissed himself from the boys antics.

"You think he's okay?" He asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I nodded.

"I patched him up quite well if I do say so myself."

"I mean at home." I nodded slowly. Truth be told I wanted him to come stay with us like Sirius did, but he felt he had an obligation to be there. He had a role to play. I bit the corner of my lip.

"He thinks he can handle it." I replied. All I could tell him was the truth. He deserved to know the truth.

"So did I." I leaned my head on his, I truly had no response for that. James barreled over and tried to raise the spirits, he was good at cutting tension. James was good at everything when it came to being a friend. He was always there, he knew how to make you laugh, he knew when to just shut it and let you cry. I was quite lucky to have James as my brother but I was even more lucky to have him as my best friend.


We settled into the dorm that night after the welcome back feast with full bellies and stories to tell. We each sat at the foot of our own beds after leaving the boys in the common room. My bed faced Lily directly, while Marlene's faced both of ours from the side. Hers used to face the now empty bed, but once we realized we weren't getting another roommate this year we moved things around to gossip with ease.

I leaned in as Marls told us all about Dorcas and how they met over holiday. Lily told us about a potion Severus had taught her called polyjuice. When they were both through they looked to me. I just shrugged.

"Oh? Nothing exciting from the Potter Mansion these days?" Marlene asked with a grin.

"Not really, no."

"No run ins with the forbidden lover?" Lily chimed in.

"I saw him at Hogsmead earlier, but that's truly not my story to tell."

"Is he alright?" Marlene asked, I nodded.

"Forget him! Are you alright love?" Lily asked, there was so much care in her eyes. So much affection behind her words. She was going to be a brilliant mother one day, much like my mum. I nodded again.

"I'm alright. I promise. Let's get some sleep, back to normal tomorrow, yeah?" They both nodded as we all drew our curtains and crawled into our covers.

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