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I made my way to the Astronomy tower that evening after supper. I knew Regulus would be there waiting for me, I started to look forward to his eager earliness now. I never thought something that annoyed me so much would turn out to be one of my favorite things about him. I opened the door to find him staring out the window. I quietly closed the door and walked over to him. I rested my head on his arm. Without so much as looking down at me, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his side. He bent down and kissed my head.

"What's the damage after your little prank?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Two Saturday detentions." I replied, he nodded.

"So no Hogsmead?" I shook my head.

"Worth it."

"You tell Mcgonagall why you did it?"

"No that's my shit to deal with."

"Mcgonagall tell Barty?"

"No, she'd never do that."

"I think she would."

"She's my godmother, she'd never throw us under the bus." He looked down at me confused.

"That's nepotism."

"Okay, 'Black family heir'," I laughed as he cracked a smile. "I don't want to hear about my supposed nepotism from you."

"Being a Black has never gotten me out of anything." He retorted, I let out a loud laugh.

"I seem to remember a first year Regulus Black claiming that it was called Black Lake and he could do whatever he quite pleased in front of his own lake when he got caught snogging Emmaline Vance." He bit back a smile.

"I didn't know you knew about that."

"Sirius told me."

"I didn't know he knew."

"He talked Minnie out of giving you a detention." He hummed quietly as he stared out at the lake. I leaned back into his side. I liked when we did this, just sat and bantered. It made this whole thing feel normal. I got to forget I was keeping a secret from my friends and just be happy with my newfound boyfriend.


I knocked on the boys door that night with no answer. I clutched the little piece of paper and my wand tight. I opened the door slowly and was met with an empty room. I looked around before closing the door. I walked up to the wall.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." I barely whispered, the wall unfolded in front of me. I smiled. I grabbed tape off of Moony's desk and taped my new paper dead center. I stepped back and admired the wall. I grabbed a pen from Peter's desk before I made little notes on all the boys plans. Cockroaches, stupid. Hexing Regulus, too dangerous. Puking potion, been there done that. Dye in Lucius' shampoo, brilliant. Make it out of here in one piece, Merlin I hope so. I smiled at my notes, next to all the boys'. I missed the things like this. I'd been so caught up in my own shit this year I forgot to have fun and be a marauder with the boys. Everything finally felt normal for once.

I walked back to through the common room to spot the boys, Marls and Lils sprawled out in front of the fire while laughing. Peter saw me and waved me over. I slid down on the couch next to Sirius, who quickly wrapped an arm around me.

"So anyways, Vix is looking at the plan," James continued but was cut short by Marlene.

"Where do you guys even keep these elaborate plans?" She asked, James closed his mouth and looked to me. I smiled.

"In our dear Moony's brain, he recites them for us and then we draw it all out." I replied, Marlene laughed.

"All hail Moony." Pete chimed in, we all copied him immediately. Moony winked at me over the chaos.

"Right, back to the story." James dove back into how we devised the plan and brewed the potion, how he ever so graciously poured it into Crouch's drink while I laid the distraction. How Minnie pulled us into her office and almost couldn't keep it together. How we were spending the next two weeks pinned up in detention.

I knew there was a note sent home to mum and dad about us and they were the only parents of the five of us to get a note. Dad would laugh while mum disciplined him for making us like this. Mum would send an angry letter telling us to apologize to Minnie. Dad would send chocolates and a card telling us it was brilliant but we really should apologize to Minnie. We would. We always did.


"Merlin, Potter. It's like you're trying to get us to fail." Regulus scolded me in potions the next morning. I rolled my eyes as he took the vial of unicorn hair from my hands.

"Merlin, Black. It's like I told you to do it in the first place." I said with a wink. Moony snickered behind me. Regulus gave me a stern look, I raised my hands in surrender. He cracked a little smile.

"Your awful lucky you're cute." He whispered as he slid in his seat next to mine. I found his hand under the table.

"Gets me out of quite a bit." I replied.

"Any shot Mcgonagall lets you go to Hogsmead this Saturday and serve detention after?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Not likely, but an ask from her favorite goddaughter might sway her."

"Still can't believe you're her goddaughter."

"Her and my mum were close friends on school. She spends the holidays at my house."

"Lucky her."

"Vix?" Peter whispered from a few seats behind Moony. I turned around.

"What's up?"

"Help me." He pleaded. I smiled and walked back to his table. I laid his ingredients out for him in the order he would need them then walked away with a wink. Regulus worked hard on our potion in my absence. James grabbed my wrist as I passed him.

"You look terribly comfortable with Black." He told me. I shrugged.

"We're partners Jamie. Just because you hate yours doesn't mean I hate mine." I smiled at Severus over James' shoulder. He did not return it.

"You should. Remember what he did to Sirius."

"Mind your own business James. We've already had this discussion." I walked back to my own table. I couldn't shake his disappointing look.

I knew how they'd all react when it came to Regulus, but I couldn't figure out how much it would effect me. James' disappointment was expected and something I knew he could get over. Remus would probably just tell me he already knew and that I should be careful. Peter would side with James. I just couldn't figure out who Sirius would feel. That's what scared me the most. Sirius mattered most to me, if it was anyone's issue but mine, it was his. I'd so foolishly fallen for his twin brother before I even knew the full story between them. I still didn't know the full story between them. I needed to know the full story between them.


um, hi. im not one for authors notes so there won't ever be many of these but a lot of people started reading this out of nowhere. i'm on so many people's reading lists & that's insane to me. thank you all so much for reading & voting & adding & what not. i really appreciate it & hope you guys enjoy this little thing i do :)

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