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Defense against the dark arts had gotten thrown into our schedules last minute this year. I sat with Remus, behind James and Peter, and in front of Marlene and Lily. Sirius sat to my right at a table with Pandora Rosier. Sirius hated his seat. Me and Remus plopped ourselves down at the beginning of class, I looked around for Regulus, he was always in here when we got here. I found him hovered over Crouch's table, hand on his wand, ready to pull it at any second. Crouch's eyes darted over to me, I saw him smile bitterly, I turned back to Remus.

"Looks like trouble." He commented. I shrugged. He put his hand on my leg. Regulus walked past us and dropped a piece of paper by me, he also scowled at Moony's hand on my leg. I rolled my eyes and leaned over to set my bag down, picking up his note at the same time.

"He could be more discreet." Moony joked, I smiled. I opened his note in my lap.

"What's that Vix? Got an admirer?" Sirius asked as he clapped Moony on the back. I closed the note quickly.

"It's a list of book recommendations I gave her you git." Remus replied. I smiled

"I always forget you're her admirer, Moony." Sirius joked with a wink before he went to his own seat. I waited for him to fully sit down before unfolding it.

Astronomy tower, right after class.
I looked back at him and he just shook his head. Remus grabbed the note under the table.

"Did he really have to sign it? It's obviously from him." I laughed.

"Oh shut up." I replied as I swatted his arm. He laughed and opened his book.


I climbed up the stairs to the astronomy tower after losing Sirius and James with the help of Remus. When I pushed the door open I saw Rosier and Regulus sitting in the middle of the room. I looked between them while they stared at me.

"What is this?" I asked, Rosier smiled devilishly.

"What do you want it to be?"

"Evan, back off." Regulus said rolling his eyes as he stood up. Rosier poured on the floor.

"So basically Potter, we were wrong." Rosier said as he fiddled with his wand. I looked at Regulus.

"How are you wrong about someone wanting to kill me?" I asked. Regulus blushed a little.

"He said he was going to finish what he couldn't last time, figured he meant you."

"Really he meant your idiot brother."

"I still don't like you." I turned to face Rosier. He slumped his shoulder and backed down.

"I just want to be friends, Potter! I've told you I'm sorry for planning your initial murder and then kicking your brothers ass. What else do you want from me?"

"You could have started with, I don't know, never trying to murder me in the first place?" He hopped to his feet and walked towards me, Regulus stuck his arm out to stop him from getting too close.

"I apologize sincerely, Potter. I didn't know you and you're kind of a bitch. But a lovable bitch, once I got to know you."

"Are you really that stupid or is it an act?" I questioned, he smirked.

"That one hundred percent me darling."

"Enough. Merlin, Evan you're a bloody idiot." Regulus groaned, I smiled. "Look, just tell Sirius to keep an eye on him. I'm doing my best to keep Barty away from him, but for the sake of everything good and holy don't let your brother spout off and start a riot."

"I'll try my best. He has a temper, that one."

"Must be genetic." Rosier pointed out, I turned to glare at him. He threw his hands up again and backed down. Regulus smirked.

"He has a point."


I laid in my bed with my feet in Moony's lap while Sirius paced my room. Lily was hanging out with James, Marls and Pete so I could fill the two in.

"He wants to kill James?" Sirius repeated, I rolled my head back.

"For the millionth time Sirius, yes! Do you need it in different languages? Oui, Sí, Ja, Sim, Evet, Tak!" I raised my voice as I rattled them off. Moony held back his laugh.

"How many languages do you speak?" Moony asked, I smirked.

"That's not the point, what do we do?" Sirius yelled, I shrugged.

"We keep James from spouting off, let Regulus and Rosier do the rest." I shrugged.

"Why do you trust them?" Sirius asked, I shrugged again.

"Why would they tell me if they didn't want to help?"

"Why would they want to help?" He paused and stared at me "Ew! Oh, Merlin! Are you shagging my brother?"

"What? Oh my- no, Merlin, Siri we're just friends." I retorted, he nodded slowly.

"Right, well, tell your friends they better keep their boy away from ours."

"He's your bloody brother, speak to him yourself!"

"It's not fair you two are treating Vix like an owl." Moony chimed in, I nodded. Sirius sat down on Lily's bed.

"I haven't actually spoken to him since I left." He admitted. I cocked my head.

"What do you mean? You had a conversation about being on my tail every second." He shook his head.

"Left me a note, I told Pandora to tell him I wouldn't leave your side." I nodded.

"I'm sorry Siri."

"Don't be."

"I couldn't ima-"

"You'll never have to, Vix. Your family's perfect. Why do you think we all run away to you?" He cut me short. I pressed my lips together and nodded. Moony patted my leg.

"Alright, mate. Let's head out." Moony said, Sirius nodded and followed him out. I bit at the inside of my cheek and laid in bed until Marlene and Lily came back for bed.


"I'm sorry." Was the first thing I said when I saw Sirius in the great hall the next morning, he just nodded in response. I rested my head on James' shoulder while he rubbed my back.

"What happened?" He asked, I just shrugged. He nodded and pushed another biscuit towards me. When I pushed it back he ripped it in half and shoved one half in my mouth. "I'll force feed you Nova, you have to eat."

"I know Jamie." I said as I took another bite to appease him. I looked over at Pete who was already staring. He offered a kind smile, which I tried to return.

"Nova, I'm serious. You can't do this again." James muttered in my ear. I looked up at him.

"I'm just sad, and it's early. I'm wasn't that hungry to begin with. I'll eat more at lunch. Swear." I tried to reassure him, he just nodded.

"I'll tell mum if you don't."

"Oh, I know you will."

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