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I walked into potions that day with Remus to find Marlene standing in front of Crouch, and oh boy was she was yelling.

"I swear to fucking Merlin, Crouch! I don't care who your father is, I don't care if I get sent to fucking Azkaban, I don't care if you fucking kill me. If you touch a single hair on either Potter's head I'll rip your head clean off! Do you fucking hear me?!" She screamed as I ran to grab her. Sirius had beat me there and had her other arm. "No! Let me fucking go! If he wants a fight I'll bloody give him one."

"Marls, enough!" I said sternly. Sirius grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, spinning her around and carrying her out of the room where I saw Mcgonagall standing. I looked back to the Slytherins. Rosier stood behind Crouch and Regulus to the side.

"It's funny Potter, just how many people care for your blood trading family." Crouch spit at me.

"Oh fuck off, Crouch." I replied as I made my way to my seat earning a giggle from Rosier. I heard his chair scoot back and as I turned I saw Regulus with his wand under Crouch's chin. I gulped.

"You heard Mckinnon. She might not have meant it, but I do. Stand down." He warned through gritted teeth. Crouch raised his arms in defense as Slughorn walked in. Regulus dropped his wand and made his way over to our seats. I thanked him quietly but he just stared forward.

We sat in silence for the duration of class. There was some strange tension in the air between him and I. I couldn't help but catch him glancing over my head at Crouch who was undoubtedly staring at us. Remus slid me notes all of class asking if I was okay, I returned all of them with a nod. Marlene sauntered back in halfway through class and offered me a slight smile. I knew Sirius and James were sat devising a plan while Pete worried about Marlene. As we were dismissed I started to gather my things. Regulus grabbed my wrist.

"I meant it Potter." He said. I nodded.

"I know." I turned to walk back to Remus and Lily when he grabbed my wrist again.

"I like you, Potter. A lot. A lot more than I probably should." He informed me. I smiled.

"I like you too, Black. A lot more than I know I should."


I stroked Marlene's hair while her feet were in James' lap.

"Marls, you really laid in to him! I mean I've never seen him so scared!" James praised as she smiled from my lap. He'd been praising her for the last hour since dinner ended. Sirius was still in a mood with me so I found myself with James and Marlene for the first time in a while. "I mean, that was so badass!"

"Thank you Jameson." She coined that nickname in first year, back when James wouldn't call her Marls, only Marlene. She hated it so she found a way around it. "You're awfully quiet up there, doll."

"James talks for both of us, I thought you knew." I joked, she grinned up at me.

"I thought you knew, we gave you your own voice when we got here. Jameson was supposed to stop being a stupid git and always talking for you."

"I quite like when he talks for my sometimes. Makes it easy." James smiled at me and squeezed my arm. I smiled back.

"What'd Black say to you at the end of class?" James asked, I shrugged.

"Just told me he wouldn't hesitate to hex Crouch if needed." I lied, he nodded.

"He quite fancies you, huh?"

"No way. We're mates, if you could even call it that." I shot back, maybe a bit too quickly.

"Mhm. Mates." Marlene commented u set her breath. I elbowed her side.

"Look just don't fraternize with the enemy. He may be helpful now, but he's always going to be a Black." James replied, I stared at him confused.

"Sirius is a Black."

"Sirius is a Potter."

"You're being oddly classist."

"Against yourself at that." Marlene added to my argument. I shook my head.

"I'm gonna go try to get Sirius to talk to me." I said as I stood up. I walked to the boys dorm as I thought of what to say to him. I knocked three times and Remus let me in. Sirius stared up at me from his bed.

"I'm sorry." I said taking a seat at the end of his bed. He nodded.

"Me too. I've been a dick."

"I hit a nerve I didn't know was there."

"We good?"

"We're good." He leaned forward and hugged me. Moony looked at the two of us with a raised eyebrow.

"If I didn't think Vix wanted to shag your brother I'd truly think you two were together." He commented, I felt my face go hot. Sirius started laughing, I couldn't help but laugh when he did. All of his emotions were strangely contagious.

"Will you come off it?" I begged through a laugh. Moony smiled.

"You'd make a good pair. The overlooked younger twins." Sirius joked, I pushed his head away from me.

"Cold, Black, cold." I replied. He smiled at me while he propped himself up on one elbow. I smiled back. Pete walked in the room and sat on his bed.

"Vix. Marlene's looking for you." He said, I cocked my head.

"I just left Marlene." He shrugged.

"Ran into her and Lily in the common room, said she wanted you." I furrowed my brows but went out to find her. Lily grabbed my hand as I walked into the common room.

"You have to see this." She said, Marlene fell in step behind me as she dragged me to our room. I opened the door to see flowers, all over the room. I looked at the two of them.

"How do you know they're for me?" I asked, they both gave me a look.

"No one likes carnations like you do darling." Marlene said as we walked into the room. I grabbed a note that laid on top of them all. I cleared a spot on my bed while Marlene pushed the ones on hers to the floor. Lily made little bouquets.

           I never thought I'd see the day that
           I was charming a Potters room to
                          fill with flowers.
                         I like you Potter.
                Way more than I should.
                                           - Hopefully yours,
    ps. tell McKinnon & Evans
    I'm sorry for the mess

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