Chapter : 14 Court hearing

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Lawyer of Raven's mom (Lr):- My lord no matter how much old mr. park were when he killed my client's son... we can't deny the fact that he was the son of A FREAKING MAFIA... according to our information Raven was related to mafis stuffs... so it is obvious that his father told him to kill raven and listening to his father he KILLED raven

Lawyer of tae (Lt):- I OBJECT MY LORD... there is no proof that my client's father and my client had this type of conversation.. Is there?

Judge (J):- Lr.. Lt has a point.. there is no proof that they had this type of conversation

Lt:- And my lord, there is no proof that my client killed raven.. Is there?

Lr:- Yes there is... raven's mother, she saw herself that mr. park pressed the pipe and killed raven... she caught mr. park red handed

Lt:- Then i would like to ask some questions.. My lord, i would like to call her in the witness box.. May i?

J:- Permission granted

Lt:- Thank you my lord (raven's mom came in the witness box) So you're saying that you witnessed the whole incident?

Raven's mom (Rvm):- Yes

Lt:- So it means you saw mr. park pressing your son's mouth-nose pipe?

Rvm:- I saw how he pressed my son's pipe


Rvm:- I-i-i.. actually i didn't witness whole incident i-

Lt:- But you just told me that you witnessed the whole incident

Rvm:- Don't try to trap me in your words... when i reached there i saw this fucking shit (pointing at tae) pressing my son's pipe

J:- Order order.. mind your language

Rvm:- I am sorry my lord.. (to Lt) when i saw him pressing the pipe.. i ran to them and pushed him.. my son breathed heavily in my arms and gave up... THIS SHIT KILLED MY SON.. I saw him

Lt:- And how can i believe you?

Rvm:- Because i saw him with my eyes

Lt:- Your son was a cancer patient... 3rd stage cancer.. he could feel problem in oxygen by himself too.. What if you're blaming my client?

Lr:- Objection my lord.. why would she frame mr. park?

J:- Objection rejected.. first let Lt explain his point of view (to Lt) continue

Lt:- Thank you my lord.. (to rvm) You knew that mr.park's father was the king of the mafia world and your husband worked under him.. your husband betrayed him so he killed your husband.. so you are taking your revenge right?

Rvm:- No, this is not true.. we have the proof that he(tae) killed my son

Lt:- Proof?

Lr(smirk to Lt as they both are competitors and Lt is a really successful lawyer so Lr is jealous of him):- My lord.. we have the video of the incident.. there were CCTV cameras

Jm(sitting away from judge seat, and the victim-witness boxes):- But there were no CCTV's

Jk:- Yeah you told me then how they have the video?

Lr:- My lord this is the chip of that clip.. i would like you to show everyone that what a big criminal Mr. park is

J(took the chip and attached to the projector and a video played in which it was showed that tae was pressing raven's pipe.. only half of the video was shown.. the clip of raven's and tae's conversation was not shown and this video was half edited.. this video showed how tae reached to raven then video directly showed that tae started to press the pipe.. between part was edited.. completely edited)

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