Chapter : 25 Something is off with GD

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YG:- What? I need to make sure that V, Jk follow the rules? What about their trainers?
He asked kinda shocked because he has always noticed that Jm don't give someone else's work to someone who is not related to it at all

JHS:- I don't know bro.. Boss mind is completely messed up, he sounds stressed.. I think its because their trainer is BK and you know how childish BK is

YG:- Don't forget GD is the main trainer

JHS:- Oh shit! YG listen, you know how disciplined GD is.. D-don't scold him much
He requested feeling worried for his brother and YG frowned seeing his request

YG:- Why would i? And why are you worried for GD?
He raised his one eyebrow while JHS nervously gulped.. How can he tell that GD is no one but his real , same - blooded brother?

JHS:- B-boss has told you to take a good class of V trainers b-because it was their duty to check the trainees under them
He said and bit his lip behind the mask trying to turn over the question hoping that YG will forget he asked him not to scold GD much.. He saw how YG sighed and nodded

YG:- Alright! But from when GD became this careless huh? I mean he is always so responsible but see, he has also got some outside air.. Yesterday i saw him eating infront of RM office and when i asked why he was there, he said he was hiding from BK and C because they are trying to snatch his favourite food and cherry on the top, HE WAS DRUNK, anyone could take advantage of his that stage either in one way or in another way.. Are they some 5 year old kids or what? I need to put him on line
He said everything boiling in anger from GD behaviour, GD has always been everyone's favourite because of how perfect he is but this behaviour of GD made YG pissed off.. JHS was standing there feeling worried and JHS saw how YG called guards out there to called V, JK, GD and BK so he decided to interrupt

JHS:- C-can i call them?

YG:- No you don't need to, they-
He talked but JHS suddenly cut him off

JHS:- No i mean uhm
He looked at guards
He told the guards to leave who bowed and left the office next moment

YG:- Why did you send them out?

JHS:- I mean you know about V and JK right.. Ahm i think you understand it

YG:- Ugh! I completely forgot how fucking sensitive their ass is
He rolled his eyes in frustration and JHS continued

JHS:- So i-i will call them, don't worry.. And as i am going to call V and JK so i will call GD and BK too hm?
He said as YG looked at him a little frowned, not to mention, JHS behaviour was a lil weird but shrugging it off, YG nodded and without delaying one more second JHS ran out leaving YG dumbfounded

YG:- Weird
He said and then shooking his head, he focused on his file again


JHS took a deep breathe feeling all nervous.. Why not? I mean afterall he is talking to his brother after like months.. GD barely talks to properly and just gives him a cold shoulder.. He exhaled nervously and knocked at the door hearing a "Coming" in a hum tone knowing its BK.. The door opened as the curious boy peeked out

BK:- Who?
He asked and JHS cleared his throat before replying but BK stood up straight knowing him before he could reply

JHS:- Its JHS, Uhm i-

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