Chapter : 20 Vminkook facing hard time

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Tae:- Bun is it ok if i make Vegetable soup? Tomato soup is ha-
He stopped when he noticed jk and his eyes widened looking at his condition.. he immediately ran to jk
Jungkook? Kook kook bun what happened?
He immediately took jk head on his lap and tapped his face gently

Jk:- Hy-ung- Hy-ung.. C-ca- br-eathe
He couldn't talk properly.. he started breathing heavily and held tae arm with one hand and held his chest with another hand.. he started coughing hard while trying to breathe from his mouth and tae was panicking

Tae:- Kook, bun what is happening? Try to breathe, bun please.. please bun what happened?
He took jk in his embrace and started rubbing jk chest and jk back together violently.. but jk held his chest near tae hand and suddenly threw up on the floor near the bed
Jungkook? Its ok its ok
He continued rubbing jk back in worry because it was so sudden that jk was throwing up and jk kept throwing up for around 5 minutes and when jk was done, tae wiped his face and made him lay down on the bed.. jk definately looked tired and exhausted and still couldn't breathe.. he was like wheezing right now

Jk:- H-y- No br-ea-breath-e
He gripped tight on his chest and tried breathing from his mouth and tae eyes filled with tears because of worry about his brother

Tae:- Kookie, please try to breathe love.. try to breathe bun.. don't cry, try to breathe please.. just do it and then hyungie will call kai hyung ok.. try to breathe my bun
He kept instructing jk and soon jk catched his breathe with so much difficulty and jk eyes closed because of tiredness that he went to his dreamland again.. tae kissed jk forehead
Bunny why are you sick so suddenly? Please take care of yourself
He wiped little tears from his eyes and cleaned the floor and placed a small basket near the bed, in case, jk wanted to throw up again.. then he called on kai phone around 25 times which was going switched off.. at last, he gave up and sat down beside jk caressing his hairs.. and it happened between jk sleep that jk felt problems in breathing and threw up multiple times as well
Hyung where are you? Bunny is too much sick.. i am not able to take care of him
He missed his jm hyung, jm is the one who always takes care of them whenever they are sick and right now he was not able to take care of jk well.. he couldn't do anything but watch the younger crying, whimpering and having problems in breathing

Kai is still unconscious and hobi is treating him.. kai was bleeding heavily because of all the stabs and whipping.. hobi was feeling the anger shooting up.. hobi understands that kai must have done a big mistake but it was not the right way to show anger.. anything could happen with kai and hobi can't tolerate it

Hobi:- Take care my baby, i can't see you like this.. i really can't see you in this condition
He said treating kai upper body.. after he was done, he gently changed kai into a loose trouser.. hobi was sure that no one could see them here and he checked all the areas as well that there was no hidden camera.. after changing kai into loose trouser, he upwards kai trouser upto his knees because he whipped there on his calves and jm made kai get electrict shocks on his feet as well so it was needed to treat him.. when he was treating kai, someone opened the door and entered and hobi knew that it was none other than Jimin because no one else has the dare to enter like this.. so he talked without looking at him and jm closed the door behind
You need anything boss?

Jm:- No, H-how's Kai condition?
He asked hesitantly waiting for hobi to burst out on him and hobi did

He shouted still treating kai and jm sighed.. he was glad that Infirmary was soundproof and the walls of infirmary were made of a type of material that no camera could fit there

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