Chapter-36 Just messed up! Oh! Fucked up

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He stood there.. Looking at the door hesitant.. He is feeling his heart heavy and he wants his hyung.. He wants his hyung to hug him and assure him that everything will be fine soon.. He hesitantly stretched his hand out to reach the door knob but stopped on his place as he sighed frustrated

JM:- No, not yet.. I-i need to show i am not weak.. I need to prove it
He mumbled to himself as he glanced at KK and JHS room.. He puffed his cheeks behind the mask and huffed
Its okay, its okay.. i can bear it all.. without his support.. I can do it
He said to himself as he turned to leave when he heared something

KK:- Boss?
KK called him coming to him room as he at front.. He bit his lower lip knowing KK can't see his face.. He saw KK coming forward and he heared KK soft tone
Boss, you needed something? Anything important sir?
He asked and JM felt the bad urge to hug him like he has always done at home.. Just one hug and his mind goes into deep relaxation itself.. Would a small hug hurt? He guesses, yeah!
He called again as JM tried to make his tone stern

JM:- Nothing important, i was just gonna ask JHS about the recent mission over HORDWARDS.. I guess we can talk about it later so i was leaving.. Why are you out at this moment? I gave this 1 hour to rest, not to fuck around
He said in a rude tone making KK frown to himself.. Fuck around? From when JM thinks like this about him? He controlled himself from rolling his eyes pissed off at younger's behaviour as he calmly replied

KK:- Food boss.. We both needed something to eat you know
He said in a little sarcastic tone showing up the two wrapped packs he had.. JM shrugged as he ignored and passed from beside KK.. KK groaned frustrated
He is being really rude and bad to me.. Bitc- No, i shouldn't say this
He huffed irritated
But he could just- ahhhh leave it!
He stomped and left to his room irritated



KK entered the room as he saw JHS laying down on the bed humming.. He stepped inside and closed the door behind

KK:- Babes! Eating timeee
He exclaimed as he placed the plates on the bed as JHS sat up on the bed smelling the food and hummed in satisfaction

JHS:- Uh! My tummy is growling like no next minute
He said as KK removed his mask chuckling

KK:- Sure sure, its been kind of a day we ate
He said laughing a little as JHS hummed.. He unwrapped one of the plate as he placed another one aside.. JHS looked at him frowned as he stood up and sat on JHS lap... He wrapped his arms around JHS neck
Feed me!
He said as JHS smiled to himself

JHS:- This whole month you didn't eat yourself.. I fed you so now, shouldn't it be you to feed me?
He asked as KK side eyed him.. He showed his teeth to KK and took the plate
Ok ok, no anger.. no anger.. I will feed you, relax

KK:- I am seeing it huh? You have been really avoiding me from a month.. At first, you just fed me and helped me in my regular routines and kept on working for your dad company.. And now, You don't even wanna feed me.. What is going on huh?
He asked raising his eyebrow as JHS rolled his eyes.. JHS made a done face

JHS:- Literally, you are doubting on me for cheating when i have a sexy, hot, beautiful, kind and ethereal boyfriend? Literally babes, me? You are doubting on me?
He asked as KK chuckled and shooked his head pecking his lips

KK:- No, i know you love me.. and i love you too.. so so so much

JHS:- Its just start things
He said chuckling as he slowly started to feed KK.. KK ate that and whined

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