Chapter-33 New connections

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Yoongi:- Daddumm dataaataa lalala.. dummmm lalalala
He sang while working over some files from Jimin company, PARK Co-orporations and chuckled to himself
Ahh! I feel so good man.. Its so much relaxing
He said to himself as Jin looked at him weird

Jin:- You seem to be alot weird today
He said as Yoongi chuckled

Yoongi:- Sorry sorry, i am just in good mood.. i feel like i have done something reallyyyyyyyyy big today
Yoongi said showing a big smile as Jin blinked his eyes a little shocked and weirded out

Jin:- You are smiling-
Jin said chuckling as yoongi smile faded away and he cleared his throat making Jin laugh a little

Yoongi:- Ok, focus on your work
Yoongi said as jin chuckled

Jin:- Oh god! Its not a crime to smile bro.. Whatever.. its weird to see you smile though
Jin said as yoongi again cleared his throat making Jin to focus on work again


He yelled sitting on the bed leaving the rest as BK nervously scratched his neck

BK:- B-boss order.. Boss wants V to shift with you and me

C:- And then- uhm what about me?
He asked as BK bit his lower lip

BK:- St-stay out of the Mafia Door without any money and h-house
BK replied as C frowned

C:- Be clear bub.. What did Boss say?
He asked as BK looked down tapping his right foot on the floor feeling bad

BK:- Boss has ordered for you to leave the Mafia door for next some months.. Y-you won't have any extra clothes and equipments than what you are wearing right now.. And no money for you.. You can't go to your home back.. Boss said to be back here after every one month.. If needed, then you will be called back.. Only b-boss knows how many months.. He said you must go in 5-6 days
He replied with a small sad pout on his face.. He was given this punishment once for a week and he could eat only 1 meal per day and that too by asking for it to strangers, and still the meal was not enough to be a one meal a day.. Slept while sitting for a whole week near the shops hiding himself

The worst time, but he remembers that GD and C spoiled him alot after he came back.. The GD who never hugged anyone, hugged him and The C who never liked bathing together,bathed together with him and had him the bestest meal.. C sighed hearing BK and stood up.. C went towards GD and knelt down infront of him who looked at him.. C held GD hands

C:- Hyungie, will you please make sure to spoil me before i go and after i come? I will miss you both
He said with a little sulking as GD groaned

GD:- You are not going C.. M-months is alot and without a single penny.. I-its too much.. And-and you are still not recovered completely.. How will you sleep alone? I am gonna talk to boss
He said worried as C was about to talk when GD cut him off
No C, You know how BK suffered for a week.. It was the first time so we didn't know what could happen but now we do.. BK lost like 6-7 kg in just a week.. Are you kidding me to accept it? You are not like that.. You know its too much.. And don't you dare say that you are okay and you don't feel scared.. Is it a joke? First RM sir and now Boss? And even J sir is behaving so normal with RM sir.. I am gonna talk about it
GD said sternly as C sighed

C:- I am really fine.. I am all okay.. I know i am pitiful during night but we just can't.. We just can't stop Boss from this

BK:- And who said it?
He said as C and GD looked at him.. He gave a small smile to them
Who said we can't Hyungie? If its wrong, Boss said that we can talk about it and take a stand for it.. Now boss is doing wrong.. So we can talk about it and take stand for it
BK said softly and C nodded

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