Chapter : 17 Tae step to overcome his fear and Jungkook getting conscious

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Tae:- B-ut hyung.. wh-at if they got to know about me and called me-me a-a- No i don't wanna go alone hyung.. please don't leave me alone hyung please
He again shooked his head again and cried while jm stood up and then carried tae like a koala.. Just now it was jm who was getting carried and now its tae who is getting carried.. There is nothing like age.. all matters is comfort.. jm kept rocking tae back and forth and patted his back

Jm:- Shh shh its fine, its fine.. don't cry
He kissed tae cheek and kept patting tae back and looked at kai worried who softly smiled at him saying that it'll be fine.. jm sat on the bed still having tae like a koala and rested tae head on his chest and embraced him
Baby.. don't cry, listen to hyung please
He talked to the crying boy who was hiccuping hugging his hyung tight

Tae:- H-hyungie *hiccup* i don't wanna go alone please *hiccup*

Jm:- But why, i told you na.. nothing would happen there.. no one would blame you, you just need to be confident there like you were in kook's college.. you remember when you came to bun class while the PTM was going on?
He asked softly to tae who sniffed and nodded his head resting his head on jm
Then remember how confidently you talked there? You shouted, talked sternly, coldly as a principal should.. you have to do the same there as a trainee that's it

Tae:- But hyung, there will be alot of people looking all scary, all in black, all would be eyeing over me.. lo-looking at me dangerously.. i don't wa-nna face that alone please.. h-hyungie please come with me.. please hyung
He hugged jm tightly in fear that he would be alone with people outside who are gonna treat him like a shit unlike his brothers who love him the most.. he doesn't wanna be called that "murderer" again.. never again.. jm gently made tae loosen the grip on him which was actually the hardest task ever and then slowly broke the hug

Jm:- Tae, baby look at me.. come on bub, look at me
He gently held tae face and tried to make him look into his eyes but tae just yanked and looked down.. he again held tae chin and made him look at him.. it was hard but he did
Now just look at me.. don't look down, you have nothing for what you would look down.. look up
He felt that tae was not facing his fear.. he knew that tae is not a person to face the consequences without crying but he didn't know that, talking directly, he would behave like a coward who would down his eyes for a silly reason or a silly person.. he never expected this

Tae:- H-hyung.. why ar-

Jm:- Stop.. just stop talking and listen to my words and you know what note these words.. YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING SO THAT YOU NEED TO LOWER YOUR EYES.. You heared me? Have you done anything?
He asked sternly but tae just bit his lips and looked somewhere else in the room.. yeah tae heared jm words that he didn't look down but he didn't want to look at jm as well.. tae knew that he was wromg to think that he would be blamed but he can't help thinking these.. his experience is more worst than it is said to be
Jm had enough that he shouted but the poor boy in front of him flinched too bad that he gripped on his own pants

Kai:- Jimin calm down.. you are scaring him.. you know how much anxiety he feels with the name of doing things alone.. How can you shout at him?
He calmly suggested the mafia who looked scary and was glaring in the other one's soul.. he expected jm to listen to him and calm down which jm actually did.. jm frustratingly flipped his hairs back with close eyes and then looked at his younger who still had tight grip on his own jeans and was closing eyes tightly while shaking

Jm:- Tae, its nothing to be scared of.. You don't have to be scared me.. You get it?

Kai:- Calmly jimin
He sat down beside jungkook and said unbothered by the drama knowing that jm will try to handle the situation well.. he knows that jm is a mature person who can handle situations well, but he just faces anger issues which makes situation worst to handle and that is why jm needs someone to show him right path.. its not like kai is controlling over vmin and jm is controlling over taekook.. No, kai and jm are not taking control over the youngers, both are really mature to handle situations but its just.. kai usually controls his anger but jm needs someone to tell him that he needs to control his anger but when kai looses his temper then no one is worst than him and jm knows this as well

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