Chapter:- 31 RM and J fight

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When door opened and someone came in.. C cried harder as that someone took him in a warming embrace!!
But was it warming for C? No, it wasn't.. He felt more scared feeling himself near death.. He screamed and cried harder trying to free himself when the other one tightened the hug and talked in a comforting and soft tone

GD:- Shhh shh baby, nothing to be scared.. Everything is fine..
He whispered in C ears trying to calm him down but C just screamed and cried loud.. GD held C close to himself tightly.. He felt his heart sink seeing C condition.. He sat down near C and straddled C over himself as C kept trembling, shivering with his fear and tried himself to get free

C:- N-no, l-leave me
He cried harder and harder as GD rubbed his chest and palm whispering sweet words in his ears.. It didn't affect him, it didn't make any change in his condition until the lights were turned on.. The lights turned on and C screamed higher and hid himself closer to GD mumbling and crying harder.. GD held him closer and tighter to calm the younger one.. Then it was all silence! Only C cryings and mumblings were heared
GD finally decided to break the silence!!

GD:- C?
He called out making C flinch who was silent by now and was gripping over the older
Relax bub, its just me.. Its GD here bub.. Relax
He said but then sighed seeing C silence.. He caressed C hairs
We need to go out hm?
He asked and waited for C to reply but got nothing.. He pecked C crown and held him gently as he stood up making C stand with his support
C, atleast say something.. You need to speak up
He tried but sighed in disappointment when C did nothing but grip more on his clothes
Ok then, you are not gonna speak right? Then stay here.. I am giving you two options C.. Either speak or stay here for like a week with lights off and mind my words that no one will come to you then.. No one! So better speak, its my order
He spitted out and noticed C getting tensed.. He noticed C gripping on his collar too tight and then taking one step close to him.. It was clear that C wanted someone.. But GD made his heart tight because C still haven't replied over anything, not even nodding and shooking his head.. He held C hands which were gripping over his clothes and yanked C hands away while stepping back and giving a quick reaction C looked at GD with teary eyes and stepped closer but GD held him to stand there.. C started sobbing in obvious

GD:- Fine, don't reply.. Now you will stay here, i will myself turn the lights off.. Then i will see if you speak out words or not
He said as he stepped back to leave when C ran to him in panic and held his clothes tight while sobbing and shook his head vigorously while slightly choking on tears.. GD internally smiled at the small and non-verbal response
Leave me C.. Stay here because you don't wanna talk anything then just stay here and then talk to yourself
He talked out a little harshly as C kept shooking his head while sobbing hard

C:- N-nuu.. H-hyu-hyungie.. N-noo.. Don't leave me.. H-hyung pl-ease
He held GD collars tightly not letting him go and moved closer to him digging his face in GD chest while shooking his head causing his nose get rubbed against GD.. GD internally smiled at his guesture and rubbed his back

GD:- I am not C.. I am not leaving you hm? I just wanted you to talk... Don't keep things to yourself, don't be silent if you are really hurt.. You can- uhm share with me hm? For now you have just talked and just broke your silence.. You will share things soon too
He explained and ruffled C hairs as he felt C pushing his whole weight on him
You can hug me later, i will carry you too.. For now let's go out.. We need to go yeah?
He said while pecking C crown again but got no reply
C? Let's go!
He shook C slightly and pushed C a little when he noticed C was not moving.. He panicked a little and tried waking C up and when C didn't budge at all.. He realised that C was not conscious.. He immediately held C close to his chest pulling all the weight on himself, he made C wear his mask and started walking towards the door... Obviously he didn't notice that his eyes were glossy!! C is much more important in his life than anyone can think.. GD definately behaves like he doesn't care but he does, he cares for C and BK more than anyone.. Even JHS, who is his real brother, is not that close to him like C and BK are.. GD can die for them and if he ever got seperated from them na, then he would be living but without soul in him

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