3. Alone Inside

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I lay flat on my back on a wooden floor, stripped to my boxers and surrounded by three of my captors. Their endless chanting buzzed in my ears like angry bees, but it didn't come close to the torture the rest of my body was going through.

It's only pain. It don't matter, I told myself over and over.

That usually helped, but not so much this time.

Even worse than the pain was the empty hole inside me. The power was gone, which crippled me. My body was so wrecked that the power was all I had going for me in a fight anymore.

Good thing for them, though. If I had it, they'd be dead.

As it was, all I could do was lay there in my own puke and piss with snot and spit crusted on my face. I didn't even have enough strength to lift my head off the floor.

They tortured me for days - maybe weeks - before I broke and begged for mercy, but they ignored me.

Finally, something changed. Something deep in my belly. It felt like they were pulling my guts out an inch at a time. Every muscle cramped up, sweat slicked my skin, screams ripped outta my throat, and I knew my race was run.

Death stared me in the face.

You son of a whore. It's about time you showed up!


As I floated in Limbo, I dreamed of the red-headed girl who'd tried to help me before my demon had killed her. She knelt beside me and held my hand.

Exhausted and beaten, I let her.

"Stay with me," she murmured.

I wanted to, but my strength was fading fast. My eyelids started to slide down.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Her small hand tightened around mine. "Not on my watch."

Electricity shot through my body in steady waves. I jerked awake, more from the shock than the pain.

She's healing me?

That made no sense, but she was. The angel was healing her killer.

Air hitched in my throat, and a funny noise came out.

"Shh." She bent over me, bringing her face closer to mine, and my world narrowed down to a pair of fierce green eyes. "I know it hurts, but it will be over soon. I'll drain every last drop of my power if I have to."

Her golden tears dripped onto my face, ran down my cheeks, and trickled into my ears. I didn't care about that, but was she crying because of me?

Great. I made an angel cry.

As if I haven't sinned enough.

"I ain't worth that." I coughed, my lungs feeling as raw as that time I'd chain-smoked a whole carton. "Ain't worth saving, either."

Darkness came for me again, but not before I heard her soft voice one more time.

"Yes, you are."


I woke up in a bed, scrubbed clean and wearing pajamas.

And that scared the everloving crap outta me. None of that was normal in my life.

I bolted up and looked around, but I was alone. Buttons flew as I ripped the shirt open and looked for a wound on my stomach.

Huh. Looked the same as always.

Nightmare, I guess. Holy balls, but it seemed real. I fell back on the bed, tired to the bone despite the sleep I musta had. Huh. Wonder if Bennie put Jimmy seeds or something in her soup yesterday. I'ma kill that witch next time I see her. I ain't trying to go on a trip like that ever again!

I wanted a smoke in the worst way and debated lighting up. But the demon usually got awake when I did—

My whole body stiffened into stone.

There was no haze clouding my thoughts. No dark voice whispering. No bone-breaking pressure in my chest. For the first time in years, I was alone inside my head.

Is this real?

I looked down at my chest and stomach and saw all the bruises and scrapes were gone. I scrubbed a hand over my face and didn't feel any of the fresh wounds there, either, only the old scar that ran from one corner of my mouth to my jaw.

Am I still dreaming?

That's when I realized my power was gone, just like in the nightmare. I slapped my face, but didn't wake up.

"What the—"

"Don't panic," interrupted a voice I didn't know. "You're in a safe place. We'll worry about the rest later."

Soon as I heard him start to talk, I hustled into a defensive crouch on the bed, balancing on the balls of my feet and the heels of my hands. The soft mattress and smooth sheets would be a problem if I had to move quick, but it was the best I could do. I had zero energy.

A man stood in the doorway with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. He looked like someone's dad. Red shirt. Boots. Short blond hair and a beard the same color. Dark, steady eyes.

He didn't make a move toward me and seemed pretty chill, but I didn't relax my guard.

"I can see you're confused," he said. "We exorcized your demon. You're going to be disoriented for a while, but you're free."

Free? I'm free?

"My name's Hank. Hank Bishop. I poured some water and broth into you earlier and cleaned you up. You probably noticed we have your power cut off. Sorry about that, but it's for everyone's safety."

Good thing he was talking in short, easy sentences. I was having trouble processing.

"Go ahead and sleep as long as you want, kiddo. When you wake up, I'll answer any questions you have."

He shut the door and left.

I relaxed one muscle at a time until I could drop back onto the bed. I fell asleep staring at the ceiling and wondering if this was a nightmare, too.

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now