28. I Like You, Too

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I woke up to knocking. Disoriented and weary, I looked at my alarm clock.

Argh! How could I have slept so late on a school morning?

I tried to catapult out of bed, but my limbs weren't cooperating very well and I flailed around like a snail stuck in honey.

"Gemma? Are you okay?" Gigi called through the door.

"Ah, maybe?"

"Are you exhausted? If you are, you should sleep. Jax can ride herd on Kerry. Besides, it's Friday. None of the teachers are too strict on a Friday."

"I am tired. I think you're right."

I turned my head and saw Sir Martin. Goosebumps broke out on my skin as I remembered how Kerry had thought to give me my bear last night.

"Call me when you're vertical again." Gigi laughed. "Oh, and when you really wake up, look on your desk. Kerry left you a little surprise."

"Thanks, Gigi."

I was already halfway back to sleep when the rest of what she said sank into my brain. Curious, I pushed away the covers. It took a lot more effort than it should have to drag myself over to the desk, but it was well worth it when I spotted an exquisite sketch of a burning candle, its globe of light holding back the shadows surrounding it. The writing along the bottom was in Gigi's round hand, but I knew the words were Kerry's.

"Use your power to light up the darkness."

I stood there and held the small card, utterly touched by the gesture.

He meant so much to me, even though I knew he only tolerated me. Still, he had to care a little, didn't he? He'd drawn this for me and he'd stayed with me until I had fallen asleep last night.

Sniffing a little, I dropped back onto the bed, laid the little drawing on the pillow beside me, and fell asleep staring at it.



"Where's Gemma?" I demanded as soon as I got to Angelic languages and saw only two girls - and neither was the one I wanted.

"She's pretty tuckered out," Gigi said, "so I suggested she take the day off."

She raised an eyebrow as we stood there, and I had the feeling I was supposed to be doing something.

Or else I was doing something wrong.

"She'll be fine." She smiled. "Only rest can help when you're drained."

"Should we get someone to check on her? Her warden?" I asked.

"And what could anyone do?" She glared up at me. "She has more healing power in her big toe than any warden on this campus. If she's that drained, no one here can help her. And may we please go into the classroom now?"


Then I realized I'd cornered them against the wall. Running a hand through my hair and flushed with embarrassment, I took a few steps back.


I waved them ahead of me and followed, then dropped into my usual seat. Sighing with frustration, I clunked my forehead on the desk and wrapped my arms around my head.

"I shoulda tried harder to stop her," I groaned, "but I was afraid I'd get mad and that wouldn't have ended well, so I just gave in."

"She's hard to argue against." Gigi sounded like she was smiling. "Kerry, I know you're worried. It's a natural reaction. But she'll be fine. We'll check on her at lunch if we don't hear from her by then."

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now