18. Jax and His Pushy Self

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Hours later, I sprawled on the living room floor, hands behind my head, and stared at the ceiling. The only light came from the setting sun and it was quiet. I liked it this way. Nothing to hurt my raw edges and I could relax without disturbing the panic sleeping in my chest.

I liked lying on the floor, too. I could stretch my arms and legs out as far as I wanted while I let my thoughts wander.

School wasn't so bad, I had to admit, so long as she was there.

And if I didn't lose my temper.

And if nobody touched me.

Gemma said her classes were more interesting after lunch. She liked her power focus class and thought mission skills and evil recognition would help her a lot. I thought so, too. She wouldn't be much use on a mission if she couldn't tell a goblin from a gremlin.

The only class she didn't really like was poli-dip. When I asked her what it was, she said it was politics and diplomacy. She'd hoped it would help her understand more about our world, but it had turned out to be pretty boring, and she didn't like the teacher. I asked her why not, and she said the woman's attitude was annoying, but wouldn't go into details.

Hmm. If I can figure something out about lunch, maybe I could make it through the rest of the day with her.

Yeah, I was getting better at tuning out all the staring and the comments, but I couldn't eat in that cafeteria. Not yet, anyway. 

Hmm. Maybe I could come here for lunch, then go back to school for the afternoon classes?

I'd have to ask Gemma where her classroom was so I could find it. Warden had walked me to Angelic languages that first day, and I'd followed her around after that. I didn't think she would like me running around campus and calling her name until I found her.

I smiled as I imagined her embarrassed face.

A knock at the door made me jump. After he first moved out, Warden had checked on me all the time. Now, he only stopped in at breakfast, lunch, and bedtime, unless I asked him to or went looking for him.

I tensed as I sat up. I didn't like this change in the routine.

Was something wrong? Or, worse, were those three jerks here to torment me again? As much as I wanted to hurt Argaud, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop with a beating, promises or not.

I shook with stress as I looked through the peephole, but it was only Jax. Blowing out a deep breath, I clunked my forehead on the door.

"Kerry? You in there?"


I unlocked the door and started to open it, then realized I didn't have a shirt on. Pissed at myself, I opened it just far enough to stick my head around.

"You need a phone," he said. "We'll get you one right now. Put your shoes on."

Shoes on?

I looked down and, sure enough, one big toe poked out around the door.

"Are you naked?" He tilted his head to one side.
"What? No!"

"Then let me in and I'll explain while you're putting on shoes."

I was getting used to Jax. He smelled of honesty and cheerfulness, and treated me like I was a normal dude. But I didn't want him to see my back. Nobody needed to see that. I took another second, then made a decision.

"All right, but you gotta promise to close your eyes until I tell you to open them."

"So you are naked!"

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