13. I Hate You!

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"Jax and I have a surprise for you!" Gemma was practically skipping as she walked beside me to the locker rooms the next morning. "We have permission to do something different for gym. We think you're going to enjoy it!"

I glanced down at her. She hadn't said a word about yesterday, so neither did I, but I was working up to thanking her for healing my hand. And I knew I needed to apologize. Well, I supposed I owed her two apologies. I would get to those, too.


"What are you up to?"

I said it nice, too. I hadn't snapped at her once so far this morning, and I wanted to see how long I could last.

"Nothing to hurt you or upset you, I promise!"

Yeah. Like that reassured me. People only say things like that when it is something to upset you. She must have noticed I wasn't too happy - like I said, she was quick - and she stopped walking and looked up at me.

"Oh! You must hate surprises." She smacked herself in the forehead. "I really am a dummy!"

"Don't do that. You need your little brain to work right. Just tell me what's going on."

"Jax had an idea about Fight Club yesterday at lunch and we went to our wardens and had it arranged for today. We're going for a hike!"

I blinked.

A hike. Doesn't sound too bad.

"Wait. Who is the 'we' part?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You and me and Jax."

"Just the three of us?" I wanted to be dead certain.

"Yes. It will get me away from Reilly and his friends, and give you space at the same time."

Even as ruined as my body was right now, if I snapped, she might be able to defend herself a little, but it wouldn't save her. If Jax came, though, it should be all right.

"Okay. I can try it. Where are we hiking?"

"The surrounding forest. Jax says there are trails that go for miles. Since we only have an hour, we'll pick a short one for today."

Then Jax came walking up, carrying his school bag and a new-looking backpack.

What did a guy do for money around here? Are there jobs on campus? Must be. Gemma said she worked at a school store.

Maybe later, when I was more human, I could look into it. Or I could ask Hank to take me back to New York so I could dig up one of my loot boxes. I didn't have a penny to my name here. And Gemma and Jax would know it.


I was getting a bad feeling about that new backpack. Yep. I was right. Jax was holding it out to me. I said a word on Hank's no-no list and didn't take my hands out of my pockets.

"Jax wants to be your friend. And a friend can give another friend a gift."

The angel's voice was soft, but strong enough to loosen the muscles turning to iron under my skin. I took a few deep breaths before I looked at her.

"Don't be a crybaby!" I snarled when I saw her face. "I already owe you two apologies. I don't wanna add any more!"

For some reason, Jax turned his head away and his shoulders shook. Dude seemed like he was an okay guy, but he musta been a little crazy. I mean, who else would want to be my friend?

But I'm supposed to give something back, right? I tried to remember, but it hurt my head to dig into my oldest memories. I think I can remember Mom telling me you have to repay kindness with kindness.

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now