23. He Started It!

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Argaud was back. Before I even walked into the math classroom, I could smell his brand of evil.

Why don't any of the teachers and wardens pick up on that?

I thought for sure those who ran a school designed to train nephs about the Diabolical would be on the lookout for it under their very noses.

Nah, of course not. When you're comfortable and feel secure, you don't expect it to be under your nose. What they teach is meant for 'out there,' not 'right here.' There's probably a word for it, but I'll use over-confident for now.

And, to be fair, it is very faint.

My thoughts were interrupted when Gemma came to such a quick stop in front of me, I cannoned into her. I grabbed her shoulders to keep us both on our feet but, when I woulda stepped back, she latched onto my wrists.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

When she shook her head, I bent down and repeated my question in her ear.

"Reilly's back from suspension," she whispered and dropped her hands. "It surprised me, that's all."

Over her head, I met Argaud's eyes.

Try something. Oh, please try something.

He looked away, which was disappointing.

"It'll be fine." I took her hand and tugged her along to seats at the back of the room. "You know to be on your guard around him. Plus, I'm here."

I couldn't tell you a thing Mr. Hall said during that hour. All my focus was on Argaud. No way he'd get by me. No way he'd ever hurt her again. It wasn't until Gemma started packing up that I realized class was over.

"Kerry? You all right?"

"I'm good, angel." I grabbed the end of her long braid and tugged it gently. "You ready?"


As we exited the classroom, power flew out of nowhere and a line of fire ran across my belly. I dropped my backpack, wrapped an arm around Gemma's waist, and tossed her behind me. Ignoring her squawk, I threw up a shield.

I knew that power. I'd felt it half a dozen times that night at the cottage when Argaud had tortured me. I was helpless to retaliate then, but he was about to find out I wasn't helpless anymore.

Some of the other students clued in and a circle began to form around me, but I was busy scanning the hall. The enemy was close. I could smell him, and if I didn't calm down, this was gonna get bloody. Before rage clouded my mind any further, I got an idea.

"Gemma, can you make someone calm?"

"Of course. Who do you—"

"Me, idiot!"

"Wanna go a round, demon taint?" Argaud called.

Ah. There he was, pushing other students out of his way as he stalked forward.

"Love to," I growled.

Where are the teachers? Or Hank? He usually knows when I'm in trouble or about to be.

I wouldn't have much time if Gemma didn't hurry up. Thankfully, she didn't ask for an explanation or argue. Cool fingers brushed the back of my neck and a shower of golden sparks fell around me. Each one stung like a bee, but I could think beyond tearing his arms off.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this," he taunted and raised one hand.

He was strong. I had to admit it. What he threw at me would have been painful if it'd hit me. My shield was stronger, though.

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now