17. Too Many Bruises

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I could tell something was wrong as soon as I saw Gemma the next morning. She tried to hide it by keeping her head down so her hair covered her face, but I knew. Gigi and Chessie picked up on it, too, and gave her worried glances. As class wound down, I nudged her arm with mine, and she glanced up at me.

And my world narrowed down to two thoughts: I was gonna find out who had put that look in her eyes, then I was gonna hurt them.

I was gonna hurt them real bad.

The bell rang, and I sent Gigi and Chessie away while Gemma packed up.

"What happened?"

Oops. That came out way too aggressive.

"Nothing. I'm fine." She shoved her notebook in her bag.

"Angel, I can see you're not. Tell me what happened."

"It's nothing."

"Ms. Weatherbee," I called for reinforcements, "I need help. Gemma's upset and I don't know what to do."

The teacher hurried over, concern all over her face, and asked what was wrong. Gemma shook her head and didn't speak.

"Some bullies have been bothering her." I stood up, too on edge to sit any longer. "Is that what this is, Gemma? Were they after you again?"

"Yes." She kept her eyes on her shoes.

"It's not your fault." I crouched next to her desk. "You didn't do nothing wrong. You don't deserve to be treated this way. And I won't let it happen anymore."

"Ms. Shepherd, I want you to go to the principal's office and report this." Ms. Weatherbee came over to stand beside me. "Mr. Harker, would you walk with her?"

"It won't do any good." Gemma's voice was thick and shaky. "I've reported things before and all that happened was a few days of detention for each of them."

"Well, I'm involved now, Ms. Shepherd." Ms. Weatherbee smiled. "I'll contact both of your wardens and let them know where you're headed."

I coulda told her that Gemma was gonna be stubborn by the set of her chin and her shoulders.

"This reaction is what he wants." I covered one of her hands with mine. "He likes knowing you're afraid of him. It feeds the animal in him. The best way to fight him is to either master your fear or hide it so deep he can't see it."

She turned her face away, her cheeks on fire.

"I'm not criticizing you, angel. I'm trying to give you advice. When I'm with you, I'll take care of it, but I worry what might happen if you have to face him alone again."

"I can take him down if I have to!" Her eyes flashed to mine, and I realized I'd insulted her.

"I know that. You took me down! And I seen you take Argaud down, too. But he's hardly ever alone anymore, is he? He has his two pals with him all the time now. You're lucky neither of them jumped in that night at the cottage. I know you can take care of yourself, but three-on-one aren't the kind of odds I'd bet on."

While she stewed, I stood and grabbed our bags, then held out my hand.

"By not reporting things, you're as good as saying it's okay. I'm asking you, please don't let him get away with this."

I was surprised that worked.

She took my hand and let me pull her to her feet.

On the walk to the office, I kept hold of her hand so she couldn't back out. Her skin was softer than anything I'd ever felt and my thumb kept rubbing over her knuckles like it had a mind of its own. I made sure to be extra gentle. I'd already given her too many bruises, both inside and out. No way I'd ever give her another.

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