10. Tainted, Not Dumb

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The week passed pretty quick. Each day I kept close to Gemma and Gigi during first period and made it to the end of class. Then I trotted back home and passed out, worn to the bone. It challenged me, but I was waking up each day with more energy and interest. Maybe soon, I could try second period.

Noah Farley still tried to push me with muttered comments to his pal, but was low-key enough that I could mostly ignore him. And, to be honest, Gemma kept me calm. She didn't even have to do anything. Just sitting next to her and smelling her goodness and listening to her quiet voice soothed me.

It soothed me - and no one would ever know how much that freaked me out.

On Thursday, I found her and Gigi standing outside the classroom. When I asked what was going on, they smiled and said they were waiting for me.

And the taint grated into my ribs.

Who had ever waited for me? I rubbed my chest with the heel of my hand. Looked forward to seeing me? Welcomed me?

Unless I had something they wanted, most everyone from my old world groaned or ran when they saw me coming, but Gemma and Gigi accepted me so quick, it shook me. Yeah, they were still too much most days, but I wasn't gonna turn away from them.

I was tainted, not dumb.


By Saturday evening, I was stable enough for Hank to try cutting my hair again.

As I sat on a chair in the kitchen with a towel around my neck, I asked a question that had been on my mind for a while.

"Warden, how'd you end up stuck with me, anyway?"

"I didn't get stuck with you. I asked for you." He snipped away. "After the Council finally remembered you needed a warden."

"Why'd you do something stupid like that? You coulda gotten someone sweet, like Gemma." My stress level, already high from him being so close, ratcheted up. "Did you pity me?"

"Hold still, kiddo. I don't want to snip off your ear. No, I didn't request you out of pity. The other available wardens were not suitable for you. I knew I would be a better fit. And I wanted a challenge."

"What do you mean, not suitable for me? Why are you so much better?"

"When I was young like you, I was on fire to fight evil. But after nearly two centuries on the battlefield, I found myself traveling down a grayer and grayer path. Surely it was more important to banish a demon prince than rescue two of my team. And if sacrificing the lives of humans meant I could foil one of the Fallen's long-term projects, then so be it. As it became easier and easier to make those kinds of decisions, I started to lose sense of right and wrong."

"So who saved you?" Looking up at him, I caught the surprise on his face. "Oh, come on. I've seen enough to know that no one changes without a reason, and it's usually a person. So, who - or what - saved you?"

"Gina Weatherbee."

"The Angelic languages teacher?" I smiled a little. "She's your woman?"

When I heard him choke a little, I knew I was right, although I wondered what my hair was going to look like. Bald spots everywhere for sure.

"Not yet," he said. "Someday, maybe, she'll have mercy and say yes."

"Get back to your story."

"About four years ago, I concluded I would do better to forge weapons than be one. I applied to be a warden and settled here at the Sanctuary. When your case came up, I grabbed it before anyone else could."

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now