8. Don't Trust Me Too Far

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"Nobody is going to help you now, demon taint. You're at our mercy."

"Let me outta here," I taunted back, "and we'll see who begs for mercy."

The leader of the three, a blond warrior, wound up and pitched another ball of power at me. I caught on my forearm and bit off a hiss of pain. That one stung, but it seemed to annoy him that I didn't make a sound as he hit me again and again.

Unfortunately, annoying him was the only weapon I had at the moment.

"Not impressed." I kept my voice low and even. "Don't you know any other ways to hurt someone? When I get outta here, I'll be glad to teach you boys a few new ones."

"You're never going to get out of there," said one of Blondie's boys. "Everyone knows you're demon-ridden. Even after you're exorcized, you'll never be clean again. Hell is all you have to look forward to now, demon taint."

Dropping my eyes, I curled my hands up tight and watched my blood splatter on the floor. They didn't know I was already exorcized, but they were right about the other part.

"Well, well, well," Blondie chuckled. "It looks like the night just got a whole lot more entertaining, boys."

I looked out the window to see what he meant and nearly had a heart attack. The angel stood at the top of the garden path.

No, no, no! Go back! Don't come down here!

She started to run toward us, and I slammed my fist through a small table next to the window. Wood bits flew in a shower around me, and a vase of fake flowers bounced off my bicep and shot past my face.

What is she thinking?! She's so small, she's just gonna get hurt. And where's Hank? He should be back by now!

I fought against the wards holding me inside, but didn't get any further than I had for weeks. I tried to call up my power, but it was silent, as it had been since day one in this prison. I picked up the vase and hurled it out the window, aiming for Blondie's head, but it bounced off the wards and hit me on the arm again.

I was one of the most feared nephs in New York City. People tripped over themselves to get out of my way when I was in a bad mood. Nobody messed with me because doing so was a death sentence, and yet here I stood, powerless against a pissant bully five feet away.

Until that moment, I'd thought I understood torture. What it was. How to give it. How to take it. I'd certainly delivered and received more than my fair share over the years and considered myself an expert.

Now, watching her standing toe-to-toe with Blondie, I realized I knew nothing about torture.

Not one freaking thing.

But I was about to learn.



Oh, goody. These three boys. Of course it was.

"Stop it!" I skidded to a stop between them and the cottage. "Get away from him! Leave him alone!"

"You're protecting the demon taint?" Reilly hooted with laughter. "I knew you were crazy when you gave me the cold shoulder, but I didn't think you were a bleeding heart, too."

"You don't need a bleeding heart to know that three on one isn't fair. Especially when the one happens to be locked up with his power shut down." I glanced at the others. Whit, I was sure, would always follow Reilly's lead, but Travis was a question mark. "Go away, Reilly, or you'll regret it!"

Tainted, Book One: PossessedWhere stories live. Discover now