[They fear Me]

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"Uhh... All For One, I think Yoichi is right... We must go back and secure the kid incase something goes wrong..."

"Nonsense... Tomura, anyways, should be able to deal with this."

The situation developed as Stain stated his deep hatted and unwant for Tomura's goal. Katana were being pulled out and Kurogiri looked more worried than shocked.

"Master, should I stop them?"

The Nomu's voice came through the screen as a whisper. Before All For One could get a chance to answer with denial, the back door to the bar opened as you came strolling in. Sloppily rubbing your eyes out of sleep.

Eyes wide and hearts racing, All For One cursed under his breath as Yoichi bolted out of his seat. Nana ran after him with her quirk in fear of not getting to you safely in time.

"I knew this was a bad idea!"


"Mister, you have no nose!"

Stain eyed you with utter shock as his mouth turned into a deep, open frown whilst he watched you eye him curiously.



"Oh no..."

You gave a giddy smile towards Stain and you trotted over to Shigaraki's side.

"(Y/N), get back inside, now!"

Tomura shout-whispered as he pointed to the back door once more. Stain eyed you with utter dismay. If you were the weak point of the LOV leader, he'd take advantage of your appearance.

The vigilante bolted out of his place, targeting his katanas towards your face. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were both taken back by the sudden action as tomura pulled you away in the heat of the moment before you were ultimately grazed. He made sure his pinky was raised before he placed you on the counter with Kurogiri. Your eyes held fear like never before. Your mouth was dry and shaken as the Nomu held you protectively in his arms.

Red eyes filled with bloodlust, Tomura nearly got a solid hit on Stain before it was evaded.

"Quick. But not quite enough-"

"Gentlemen, would you both calm down?...."

Darkness, no, it couldn't have been. It was too evil to be just darkness, too evil to be just bloodlust. No, it was that feeling people get when they know death is on their doorstep.

All For One, was at their doorstep.

He came out of grey ooze angry, very, very angry. The sight of your attack sparked something inside him. A deep urge inside him that he hadn't felt in such a long time..

The need to kill someone for hurting someone....

"Now. Mister Stain. We could leave this on a good note, or a bad note.."

"You don't threaten me, old fool-"

And there it was. The black and red beams of fear that seethed with power. Blood of the vigilante dropped from the wall behind him and his shoulder was hollowed by one of the oblisks.

Stain was frozen. Pressure came out of the bolt that caused blood to sleep down the side of his mouth.

"Watch your mouth, Vigilante. Now, Kurogiri will escort you out and back where you came from. Are we clear?"

"Y-Yes sir..."

Just then, All For One stepped aside and a purple portal opened behind him. He pulled back his quirk into his finger tips once more and allowed Stain to leave.

Panick stricken, he ran away into the misty void. All For One ran over to your side and snatched your teary figure. He buried you in his arms as he shushed you.

"There there... The bad guy is gone. You're safe no-"

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON (Y/N) YOU SON OF A- Oh, Hisashi? The dude's gone?"

A disappointed sigh left the elder's mouth, he patted your back gently and walked into the back door right the moment that Nana had arrived.

"Uhh... Why is there blood on the wall?..."


Two knocks were sounded on the door of the master bedroom. Hisashi walked forwards and opened for whoever was on the other side.

"Shimura? Come in."

"Thank you,... How's the kid doing?"

You slept soundly on the bed. Nana took a seat next to you over the black covers. The sudden shift in weight woke you up.

"Ms. Nana?..."

"I'm here my deary..."

She carried you upright in her arms and cradled you in a warm embrace. All For One could just watch from afar as conflict brewed in the pit of his gut.

A mix of jealousy, warmth, and absolute pain tainted his emotions.

"You okay, AFO? You seem conflicted..."

And just then, you let out a yawn. Your little arms stretched and Nana giggled at your cuteness.

You blinked once, then twice. And you held a sheepish grin over you face.

"Uhm. Can I have some ice cream?"

The two adults burst out in laughter at your request as you puffed your cheeks in anger and embarrassment.

"It's not funny! I want my ice cream! Haru, let's get that ice cream ourselves!"

The puppy came out from under the cover and jumped off the bed with you. You wings flapped and puffed out angrily at the grinning adults and you flicked your tongue at them before leaving and slamming the door shut behind you.

"Hehe, she reminds me of Kotaro. Always so rebellious when he doesn't get something he wants. Too bad I left him at... Foster care...."

The mood sullened. All For One knew that he was the reason for that. If the mention of leaving her son brought Nana sudden tears to her eyes, he didn't want to find out what her reaction would be when she knew the real identity of Tomura.

"Shimura, can we,... Have a chat?"


"An' they made fush of me for wanshing ish cweam! Can you beliesh it!"

"Oh yeah, yeah. So traumatic..."

"Tomura-ni! Don't make fun of me!"

The boy ignored your whine and continued to eat his own frozen treat, mochi. That fridge of his had everything.

"Why do you like ice cream so much anyways?-"

Crashing, breaking, and the shouts of Nana broke out in the halls.


Word count: 1026

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