Chapter 1

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

They've locked me in here, like a rat in its cage. 

This isn't my first time in a cell, and it sure as hell won't be my last time in a cell. So if they think this is going to do anything then they should really think again.

They think they've won. They think that they've defeated Ultron and they've captured the bad guy. Me, of course, being the bad guy. But they don't know what they're messing with.

I walk around and around in the cell, just waiting for someone to arrive. Waiting for him to arrive.

It doesn't take long.

He can't seem to stay away.

With his book in one hand, he drags a chair through the room and places it right in front of the door to the cell.

"Hello y/n. How are you doing today?"

I stand and look at him.

"Oh don't mind me, just thought I'd come keep you company. I can even read to you if you'd like?"

My eyebrow lifts up.

"No? Well perhaps a song a little bit later then? Or I can let you know how everyone's doing if you like? I'm sure you wish Tony would come and see you, but he's finding all of this a little difficult to deal with at the moment. Agent Romanoff misses you. Even the Captain asks about you now and again."

"What are you doing?"

"Um, I believe it's called having a conversation."

"I mean, what are you trying to achieve?"

"I'm reaching out. Not to whatever parasitic thing this is on the surface, but to y/n. Because I know she's still in there and I know she can hear me."

"I am y/n."

"No. You're not. You are the product of Hydra, wearing y/n's face."

"We are the same."

"Again. No you're not. Y/n has been brainwashed and manipulated by Doctor List, leaving you standing in her place. Doctor Banner tried to explain it all to me, but I don't think he was quite right. No, I saw what they did to Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. You forget that I paid a few personal visits to List himself. This is different. It is more..... evolved. Or perhaps this is y/n trying to break through."

"I am y/n."

"Careful. If you keep saying that, soon you'll start to believe it. No, I know she's in there. You know she's in there too, no matter how hard you try to ignore her," he nods at my right hand.

I look down to it and conceal my surprise when I see it trembling ever so slightly.

"You see? She's fighting back. She's resisting whatever nonsense this is, because she would never willingly do whatever it is that List is making you do."

"Loki Laufeyson. Outcast of Odin. Cast out of Asgard. A sad little boy, clinging desperately to a dream. I hate to break it to you, but it's nothing more than that. A dream. You will never be a king. And you will never be of importance. You are insignificant, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to figure it out."

He smirks and opens his book, "You think your words hurt me. This is all just a defence mechanism as your brain is being electrified by whatever that thing is on your forehead. You may think I'm insignificant, but I can promise that y/n feels quite differently."

"I'm sure you'd like to believe that."

"Tenker på deg," he reads from one of the pages. "Som alltid. Det er den-"

"Please. Not this drivel. I can't stand it."

"Det er den vakreste. Bevegelse mitt sinn gjør."

"Stop it."

"Min favoritt åpenbaring, Fredelig, hemmelig, Øynene mine faller i havet."

"I said stop it."

"Jeg håper du alltid vil være det Like nådeløs som havet."

"Enough!" I slam my fist on the glass in front of me.

He looks up, almost triumphantly.

The fist has flattened out on the glass, as though I'm trying to reach through it to get to him, and I silently will it to come back down. I have to grab it with my other hand and physically pull it away.

"Can't stand it hmm? Seems like y/n might have something to say about that."

"I am y/n."

"You wish you were y/n. Tell me, how does this thing work?" he points to the silver disc stuck to my head. "Banner's logic seems reasonable, that there must be someone nearby to activate it. I'm sure Hydra doesn't have access to all of the cameras in this building, so List can't be doing it. What is it? Someone on the inside? Do we have a mole to sniff out?"

"If you think much more, you're going to make your brain hurt. You've already strained it enough as it is."

"Are you..... Are you trying to call me stupid?"

I shrug, "If the cap fits."

"Cap? There isn't a cap?"

"You're just proving my point. Go back to the land of fairytales," I nod towards his book. "It clearly entertains you."

"That's not a bad idea. Shall I read you another one?"

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