Chapter 10

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

The mirror has disappeared, and we're both just stood in the middle of this vast empty space.

Me..... and me.

........ And Wanda?

"Wanda? What are you doing here?"

"Oh great, Wanda's here," other me rolls her eyes - my eyes? - and folds her arms. "How's the brother? Still dead?"

"Y/n? What is this place?" she asks me, ignoring my....... I still don't know how to refer to her. Evil twin seems a bit ridiculous, but I guess that's kinda the situation we're in right now.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I was sort of just floating? And observing, I guess? Then I was here, and so was she. What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I'm here to get you back."

"You need to be careful Wanda. She says her plan is to kill the Avengers."

Wanda turns her gaze to the...... evil twin, "Good luck with that. Your time here is up."

"And how exactly do you think you're going to stop me? How are you going to stop Hydra? Don't forget who gave you your powers."

"The Mind Stone gave me my powers, Doctor List gave me nothing. I owe him nothing. But I will deal with him later, he is not my priority right now."

"You hear that y/n? They're finally starting to put you first. They're finally starting to care about you. How does that feel?"

I glare at her, "I want to snap your neck."

"Go ahead," she laughs. "See what happens."

"Y/n, you can't kill her without killing yourself."

"I know. She just pisses me off."

"There's a few people at home who could say the same thing."

"Whatever you have to do, please just do it quickly. I can't use my powers like this, but that means she can't either. So let's end this."

"I don't know what to do," her Sokovian accent is laced with worry. "I wasn't expecting this, I wasn't expecting it to be like this."

"What were you expecting Twinkle Toes? A 5-star hotel?"

"Please Wanda, get me out of here."

"Just give me a second to think. What did you say you were doing before you ended up here?"

"Well, I don't really know how to describe it. I was sort of floating through memories, but they weren't real."

"What do you mean?"

"It was as though they'd been altered, and she was in them," I nod to the other me. "And she was complying with everything that List was saying. Until...."

"Until what?"

"I don't know, I  don't really know what I did. I was so mad, seeing myself do all that stuff, and I was yelling at him. He couldn't hear me, but I just kept shouting. And then there was something a bit like a twitch? I saw it in Barnes when I was there before. It's like trying to fight against it, but-"

"But you're too weak compared to me."

I ignore her,"..... but List could see that I was breaking through and he sent me off to the lab. My body was unconscious, but I was still here, and I felt it."

"Felt what? What was it?"

"Like being electrocuted. Like he was trying to shock my brain into submission. It hurt so, so badly, and then I found myself in a different memory. I don't know if it was trying to show me something-"

"It's showing you that it's pointless resisting and that Hydra will win. You are powerless, you are weak, you are nothing."

"Y/n, don't listen to her. I'm gonna get you out of here."

I focus my attention on Wanda, trying desperately to block out the bitch standing near me.

I am not her.

She is not me.

"Do you think you could show me one of these memories?"

"I think I can try. But won't that create some sort of paradox or something? Both me and her, there watching her being me?"

"We're not bringing her. She's staying here," Wanda uses her power to form a sort of rope of red energy to bind the bitch's wrists and ankles together.

"What'll happen to her when we leave here?"

"Once we get out of here, and we get that thing off your head, she won't exist anymore."

"So I'll be back to normal?"

"That's the plan."

"If it doesn't work?"

"...... We'll deal with whatever happens, alright? But I'm not leaving here without you."

"You know you're in her head, right? You kinda have to leave without her, or there'll be nothing left of her."

"Okay, that's enough out of you," she then forms a gag to silence her before taking both my hands in hers. "Take me into the memory, and I will do everything I can to get you out of here."

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