Chapter 23

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

I'm so. Fucking. Bored.

To be honest, I do understand why Rogers has kept me here, but it's so boring.

I guess a constructive use of my time would be to try and figure out how to take back control of my power, but I'm honestly so tired, I think I might just go for a lie down.

I pass Loki on the way to my room, and his head turns briefly in my direction but then he goes back to his book when he sees it's me. 

Oh well.

His loss.

The ache in my body is ridiculous, and I welcome the feel of the mattress on my back when I make it to my room.

I've had my medicine, I've had food, I've had water.

Now I can sleep.

"Look, let's not make this harder than it has to be. Just give her to me, and you'll get your reward."

Her? Her who? Who is this man?

"You're not having her."

"I'm not leaving without her."

"You don't have a choice."


He doesn't turn around but his voice is firm, "Go back y/n. Stay away."

"Dad, what's he after?"

"Not what, young one. Who. You."

This stranger bursts forward, brandishing a dagger from god knows where, and Dad fires the gun at him.

He doesn't sound like he's in pain, he doesn't stop moving, he doesn't even flinch.

It has no affect on him whatsoever.

The stranger powers on and plunges the dagger into my dad's arm.

"No!" I go to run to him, but a punch in the stomach sends me to the ground.

I choke and gasp for air as he hoists me up by my collar.

I try to get a good look at him, but my eyes are swimming with tears so it's hard to make out any particular features.

"What do you want with me?"

"Me? I want nothing to do with you. I've just been sent to collect you."


"Because you are gifted. You are special."

"Argh!" Dad comes up behind him and stabs him in the spine with the dagger, causing him to release his grip on me.

"Mum!" I see her standing at the top of the stairs with a frightened look on her face.

"Both of you, come on. We need to leave. Now!"

Dad grabs one of each of our hands and pulls us out the front door and into the garden.

It doesn't take long for the man to catch up.

"Your efforts are futile! She is coming with me tonight, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

"Go to the car," Dad instructs us as he stands his ground in front of this intruder.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Y/n go to the car dammit!"


"Listen to me!" he holds me by the arms, tearing his eyes away from this man. "If you stay here, he will take you away. And if he takes you away, I don't know if I can ever get you back. Take your mother and go."

"If we leave you here he's gonna kill you."

"I'd rather that than him take you."


Our heads both turn at his voice, and my heart tugs at the image before me.

"Playtime is over. Hand over the girl, or she dies," he says, the dagger pressed against my mum's throat. Even in the dim light I can see the small trickle of blood, indicating he's already pierced her skin.

"You don't have to do this," Dad walks forwards slowly with his hands held up.

"Save it. Just give me the girl."


"Dad stop!" I face the man. "I'll go with you."

"No you will not."

"Yes I will Dad! I just want you and Mum to be safe."

"I'm sorry y/n but I can't let you do that. She's not going with you!" he raises his voice to address the stranger, but he just shrugs.

"Fine. Have it your way."

He drags the blade harshly across her flesh, drawing a long gash across her neck.


I shoot up in bed with a scream and grab my neck, gasping for air, as though it had been my throat that he'd cut open.

"No. No... my mum..... he..... she...... I was just......."

As my eyes are swivelling round the room, they scan over a figure and I jump, pushing myself as far back as I can, my vision blurry.

"Kid, stop."

"Go away! Leave me alone!" I swing my arm through the air, but he catches it and holds both my hands in his.

"Y/n, it's okay. You're safe. Calm down. You're not dreaming any more."

"I.... What...... No...... My mum....."

"He's not here. Alright? It's just me and you kiddo, you're okay."

I blink furiously and I focus on the familiar face.

"Tin Man? What happened? What are you doing here? I thought you were on a mission?"

"I was kid. I'm back."

"No. Not so soon. I only came up for a nap."

"Y/n, you've been asleep for about 12 hours. You were muttering and your skin felt like it was on fire, we couldn't wake you up."

"We? Who's....." my eyes drift towards the door, and it's the last person I was expecting to see.


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