Chapter 24

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

"What's he doing here?" I ask Tin Man as he helps me out of bed.

"I asked him to keep an eye on you while we were gone."

"Well he wasn't doing a great job of that," I glare at Loki, but he just rolls his eyes. "He had his nose buried too deep in his book."

"Oh please darling, that's merely what I wanted you to think."

"So we're back to darling now are we?"

"You want to get into that now or do you want to tell us what the nightmare was?"

"Well if I get the choice-"

"Kid, cut the crap. Tell us what happened."

I sigh, "Nothing happened. It was nothing new anyway."

"It's still good to talk about it, so come on. Spill."

"I'd really rather not."

"You really should-"


"You said about your mother. Was it-"

"Jesus christ Stark! I said no, alright? End of discussion."

He raises his hands defensively, "I'm just tryna help you kid."

"Well you're not. You're suffocating me so just back the fuck off."

The look on his face tells me he's not happy, "Don't make me get Banner to come sedate you."

"That's not funny."

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Needless to say, he doesn't look like he's joking.

"Perhaps you should go find Doctor Banner and let him know that she's awake?" Loki suggests. "I'm sure he'll want to check on her."

I receive a final glare from Stark, but he nods and leaves the room, too mad to say anything.

"Thanks I guess," I say begrudgingly after he's left the room.

"No worries darling. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"You sound it."

"What do you want me to say Loki? Genuinely what are you expecting to hear from me?"

"I get the sense you're mad at me."

"No shit Sherlock. Caught on have you?"

"I gave you the space you wanted."

"You didn't have to be such a dick about it."

"I can't win!" he huffs frustratedly. "You don't appreciate it when I try and take care of you, you don't appreciate when I give you space. Honestly. What do you want of me?"

His voice is creeping up and up, genuinely scaring me a little.

I flinch and sit back down on the bed, lowering my gaze, "I'm sorry," I say instinctively.

Shit. What the fuck is wrong with me.

Apparently my defence mechanisms are either bite back or run away.

"I do appreciate you, I really do. I'm sorry for making you think that I didn't. You've been so helpful, so good to me, and I was acting like a bitch I'm really sorry."

Holy shit I seem pathetic right now. How many times am I gonna say 'I'm sorry'?

"Y/n?" he comes over and sits next to me.

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