Chapter 5

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

I've been sat with my back to the door for hours.

And hours.

And a few more hours.

Or maybe just minutes, I don't know. They didn't give me a clock, which I found to be quite rude.

I don't know if they think that being left in solitude is a punishment, but it's actually quite nice. Also there's the fact that I know I'm never actually alone. 

And soon enough, I have a visitor.

No, sorry, visitors.

How many pairs of feet is that? Six? Seven?

"Hello my dear friends," I say sweetly. "How are we all?"

No-one answers.

"Oh come on? Nobody fancy a chat?"

"Stand up. Turn around."

"Whatever you want, Tin Man."

"Don't call me that," he says sharply as I rise up from my position and face them all. They're all here. Even prancing Captain America. There's a surprise.

"Why not? It's my pet name for you, I thought you liked it."

"No. It's y/n's name for me, and hers only. You have no right to be calling me that."

"Still haven't come to terms with it, have you? It's alright. You'll accept it someday."

"Listen," Romanoff steps forward, "This isn't about you, this about getting our friend back, okay? So we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice."

"And if I were to say neither and that I'd rather stay as I am?"

"Then you're choosing the hard way."

An excited grin spreads onto my face, "Bring it on. Shall we place bets as to who will win?"

"You shouldn't place bets you know you're gonna lose out on."

"There's that optimism I love. Shame it's misplaced but oh well," I clap my hands together, "Come on then tough guys. What's the plan hmm? One of you gonna hold me down whilst another takes the pliers to my head? Perhaps an ambush? Or a distraction? Ooh I know! Why don't you just shoot me and get it over with?"

Loki looks away from me with closed eyes.

"Aw. Poor little Laufeyson doesn't like seeing his darling y/n so eager to die, does he? Well what if I told you she feels like that all the time, hmm? It really would be a mercy to her to just do it now."

"She's not like that," he says, still avoiding my gaze.

"That's what you think."

"You're trying to get in our heads, and it's not working."

"Oh please. If you really want me in your head then you only have to ask."

I look into his mind and see confusion, fear, desperation. In fact, I look into all of them.

"You're all scared."

I focus on Stark's thoughts.

"You don't know what you're dealing with, and this plan of yours is a gamble. You're...... Oh my god that's hilarious. You're gonna gas me? Choke me out?" I laugh at the ridiculousness, then use my power to form an electrical shield around me. "Go ahead. Try it. See what happens."

They all look at each other uneasily.

"Oh dear, weren't expecting that, were you? What you gonna do now, hmm? Nothing in the back pocket? That was a bit silly wasn't it-"

My mind fogs over, and I feel my body connecting with the floor. I can't see anything, and I can't stop the spasms that are wracking my body.

"You know," Rogers' voice sounds loud as he stands in my cell. "You say you're y/n, but she never used to talk as much as you do. I'll be glad when she's back so we can have some peace and quiet."

"You don't know what you're doing," I spit out. "You'll kill her before you're able to get this thing off."

"Well, I guess there's only one way to find out."

I feel a cold pinch as he sticks a needle in my neck, and then my body goes limp.

Time for a sleep.

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