Chapter 21

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(Avengers' Tower, Y/n's POV)

Freedom has never tasted so sweet. 

So I'm never really on my own, but at least I'm allowed out of my room. Though saying that, I think Tin Man knows I would've climbed out the window if Banner tried to keep me in there.

Whenever I see Loki, he either avoids eye contact or just goes to an entirely different room.

That's fine.

I won't crack first.

I've dealt with worse than temper tantrums.

Thankfully his brother seems to be in a better mood than he is.

"Come on y/n, again. I know you can go harder than that," he says as he shakes off a right hook to the jaw.

"Wouldn't want to do too much damage to your pretty face," I smirk as I circle the training room.

"Your confidence is unearned young one."

"Call me young one again, I dare you."

"Oh please. Young one."

I knock the grin off his face when I send the butt of my palm directly into his nose, which releases a satisfying snap.


"Oh dear. Did I damage your ego?"

"Hmm, let me check," he tweaks his nose back into place then cracks his knuckles. "Nope. All good."

His fist shoots forward and connects with my chest, and I bend forwards with a laugh.

"That tickled."

He definitely broke a rib or two. They'll be fine, I can fix them.

I send a pulse of electricity through my body to heal the bones, and jump slightly at the rogue sparks that go flying.

"Woah, you alright there y/n?"

"Uh yeah, I think so. Guess I just need to get back into the hang of it."

"You'll get there. Care for a taste of mine?" his mouth twists upwards as his eyes shine with the glow of lightning that crackles in his hands.

"Where's your hammer?"

"You didn't hear? My sister destroyed it."

"Oh yeah. Hela. That bitch."

"Yep. That bitch. It's all good though, because I learned I could do this!" 

I bring my arms together to form my electric shield just as he fires his lightning at me. Thankfully it soaks it all up, though my arms do feel a bit tingly afterwards.

"Do you feel weird? Knowing your not Odin's first-born?"

"Not exactly. I'm still the only one of us worthy of the Asgardian throne."

"Well. You were."

"Yes of course. Asgard is destroyed now."

"I'm sorry about that. It's shit."

"Indeed it is as you say, shit. It was my home, now it is no more."

"This is your home now."

"My home is wherever the wind takes me."

We're circling each other, both with our fists raised waiting for the other person to strike.

"You must've felt stupid when you found out Loki had been impersonating Odin," I try to goad him. "I mean, you didn't find out for ages. You probably felt really dumb."

"I wouldn't say that," he grins. "I did my duty of protecting the realms, I'd say I was being quite brave. Standing strong in the face of danger. Loki was merely sat in a gown, eating grapes. Quite a poor impersonation of my father, I must say."

"Regardless, it took you an awfully long time to get back to Asgard and save the people didn't it?"

"And when I did, I thoroughly kicked his ass," he takes a quick step forwards, but I move back to dodge his swing. 

"Like I'm going to do to you, you mean?"

"If you can get close enough. But perhaps you should have a turn with Loki first as a bit of a warm-up. Wouldn't want you to strain yourself with me. Or maybe you're still too preoccupied with your lovers' tiff?"

"He can carry on acting like a child if he wants to," I go for a roundhouse kick, but he grabs my leg and flips me to the ground.

"He's 1700 years old. If anyone's the child, it's you."

"1700? Son of a bitch told me 1500."

"Either way, he's too old for you."

"Either way, I don't care," I wrap my legs around Thor's neck and lock his arms behind his back until he taps out of the hold. "He doesn't want to talk, we won't talk. He doesn't want to be in the same room as me, we won't be in the same room. Simple as that."

"Be careful y/n, my brother is a stubborn one."

"Yeah well I'm more stubborn."

"Now who's acting childish?"

"How's Baby Jane doing? Haven't heard much about her lately."

"She hates that name for starters."

"She's not here to object so I don't care."

He sweeps his leg out to try and knock mine out from under me, but I jump over his and bring my fist down to his face at the same time as I land.

"She's fine," he spits blood on the floor. "She is focusing on her science at the moment."

"You have no idea how she is, do you?"

"Of course I do. She's fantastic. She's with Darcy and Erik. She's great."

"Yeah you have no idea."

"I have no idea," he admits, but he doesn't look ashamed.

"Having a lovers' tiff of your own?"

"Not exactly. Guess you could say I've been busy."

"Bet she's devastated."

"She'll live."

"Harsh. I like it."

"You have strange taste."

"Your brother is my taste."

"Like I said. Strange."

"And you can be a little bitch when you want to be," I grab his fist that is coming for my face, and use momentum in my favour to twist his arm and pull him towards me before headbutting his nose, causing a small trickle of blood to fall down his face. "You ready to admit defeat yet?"

"Aw. Is the young one tired? Time for a nap?"

"I'm just looking out for you old man. Trying to save those hips before you need a replacement."

"Hmm," he tilts his head to one side before swinging his foot up to connect with my own hip. "Seems like mine are fine, thanks for the concern."

As I'm recovering, Thor comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my neck, but I grab it with both hands and pull him over my shoulder, flipping him into his back onto the floor.

"Sorry. I'm pretty strong for a young one," I press my boot firmly into his neck, satisfaction spreading through me as his face slowly turns a deep red from lack of oxygen. "I'll ask again. Are you ready to admit defeat?"

He stays there for a moment more before reluctantly nodding and tapping my foot.

"I win," I say triumphantly. "Better luck next time. Old man."

I leave him to recover on the ground, and I walk out of the room.

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