Chapter 7

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(Avengers' Tower, Rogers' POV)

Wanda and I stand next to the bed that y/n is strapped down onto whilst Bruce checks the monitor.

"How's she doing?"

"She's stable, for now. Wanda, is she still under?"

"Yes, would you like me to bring her out of it?"

"Just a minute," I say. "What exactly is the plan here? Why do we need to wake her up? Surely it'd be better to try and remove it whilst she's still out."

"That's what I was just about to say. I'd like her to stay under so I can properly examine the disc and figure out how to remove it without causing any damage. You don't have to stay in here if you don't want to. Wanda, I need you here, but Steve you can go."

"No. I'm staying. First of all in case she snaps out of it-"

"She won't," Wanda says confidently, and I roll my eyes.

"And second of all, I should know how this works. If all goes well then she'll need time to adjust, right?"

"You don't have to act as a guard dog. She can't do anything to hurt us whilst she like this."

"Well I'd rather not risk it."

"Goddamit Steve!" Bruce exclaims. "What is your problem? She's just a kid and we're trying to save her, what the hell have you got against her?"

"She doesn't belong here! She's not one of us, she's a Hydra rat."

"Would you say the same about me?" Wanda tips her head to the side. "I was trained at Hydra. In fact, I put myself forward for it, but she didn't. I risked my life for this team, and Pietro lost his saving one of you. Y/n fought against List. For you. For this group. She helped to save all of you and this is how you treat her? How are you the only one who still looks at her this way?"

"Let's say I have traditional values."

"There is nothing traditional in this. What if I told you of another at Hydra? A man I've seen in your head, with whom you seem well acquainted. What if I told you he was also brainwashed by List, hmm? Would you treat him the same way that you treat her?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Who?"

"A man. From your past. I saw him in Sokovia with Doctor List, and then I saw him in your memories."

"A name, Wanda. Give me a name."

"James Buchanan Barnes."

I freeze.


There's no way.

"Uh, who's.... Who's James Buchanan Barnes?" Bruce adjusts his glasses on his nose.

"Nobody," I say harshly. "And it's not true. Barnes died in the war."

"I don't think he did."

"I think I would know Wanda, I was there."

"Believe me, this is the same man. He has been brainwashed. For how long, I don't know. But it is him."

"Enough!" I slam my hand on the desk, making them both jump. "Barnes is dead. I don't know who you saw, but you are mistaken. I'm gonna go check on the others. You two stay here and get this done. I want to see some progress by the time I get back."

I see Bruce roll his eyes, but I don't bother to comment on it, I just turn and walk out of the room.

Bucky Barnes is dead.

I'm sure of it.

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