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An old drunk shark-demon yelled at a imp waitress in a small, dark bar in Greed ring.

She worked alone all evening without help. She knew that this job is not giving her any good, but where else is she gonna work for a appropriate payment.

She gritted her teeth to try to keep herself calm because she would kick this old man out of the bar.
Her boss made this job even worse because he was quite a strict and angry man and criticized her every step she made wrong at work.

"I'll be right there with it.. sir." She sighed the last word and poured the ordered beer into a pint glass for the customer.

She placed it on the tray and took it to the table. "Your order."
She placed the glass on the table.

He glared at her and rudely responded
"Took you long enough, bitch."
He spat on the ground near her shoes and took a sip of beer.

She gave him a disgusted look and walked back to the bar and began washing the dirty glasses.

She heard the bell ring at the bar's front door.
'Even more customers at this hour, how great...'
She thought to herself and rolled her eyes as she was completely exhausted by the ungrateful visitors.

She washed the last glass first before turning around, knowing that someone had sat down at the bar chairs.

"Well, well I knew I would find you here."

Y/N's POV:

I turned my gaze to familiar voice.
It was Chazwick Thurman, known as Chaz.

"Chaz?" I questioned before he gave me a big smirk.

"Wow, you've changed since I remember when we were at the family reunion."
He said, checking me out with his glowing neon blue eyes.

"Heh, you still stayed the old Chaz I've remembered. How is it going, pal?"
I asked and while I was putting the glasses on the shelf.

"Never better! Ya' know, that muscle has got into money, baby!" He was bragging in front of the counter.

"You finally made it, huh? How.. terrific." I said in sarcastic tone.

"I know right, what a lucky am I~" he laughed. "Let's celebrate this! Bring on the shots, babe!" He clapped and I prepared the drinks.

After few drinks I got a bit confused
because I haven't seen him in a while since I left my job as a babysitter.

A few years ago, I was a professional babysitter around here. I was employed by quite a few families, but the last family I was in left me with a lot of memories.

I looked after a little imp named Moxxie. He was a real little angel and didn't give me too much trouble. Shocking I must say. Why?
because he's a mobster's son. I worked for a vicious and extremely ruthless
crime leader, Crimson.

He is the head of the powerful mafia and knows how to do business well.

He's a cold man that greed and power come first to him, and he harbors no remorse for his victims.

I have noticed that he has been very harsh with his son since his wife left him.

Due to the huge amount of work he had around him, he had to find someone to look after Moxxie until he was done with the job.

That's why he hired me.

However, when I started working there, I had no idea that I would be dealing with a mafia family.
I had to keep quiet with all the information about him and his army of sharks or it would end badly for me. The payment was very good actually! Much more than I ever got!

But now that I quit that job, I started working as a regular waitress in the city.

"How come you came here to visit me?" I asked Chaz.

"I wanted to tell you MY good news of course!" He smiled.

I rolled my eyes "Right, why did i even ask."


I raised an eyebrow at him as he started to speak again.

"The big boss, is offering a new job for you." He told next.

"What? A new job?!"

He nodded. "He sended me to look for ya' so, you should come with me now.
He's not very patient." He whispered the last part to me.

"Wait wait, slow down now. Crimson wants me back? Why so?" I asked totally confused.

"Listen, he just told me to go find ya', and tell you about the job offer. The other parts about it you gonna talk with him. That's all i know.
Now get your ass movin'."

He stood up from the chair.

"But- I gotta finish my shift first. My boss is gonna kill me if i go without permission." I said and looked around nervously.

He chuckled "Do not worry about that guy, you have a better offer trust me.
Now let's go." He grabbed my hand and we left the bar.

"Chaz! Slow the fuck down! i can't walk that fast!"

He led me to his car and jumped right in.
"Hm? What are you waiting for? HOP IN BABE!"
He said to me.

I sat in and looked at his direction.
"Chaz, if you fucked this all up i swear to satan i'll gonna cut off-"

"AHAHAHA! Funny! Now let's ride this bad boy~"
He took the wheel and we drove to NOTAMAFIA TOWN.



Hope you guys enjoyed!!

I wrote this as a quick start for a more comprehensible story later on.

Seeya soon in the next one!!

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